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No more Crisis Core! I beat it at last!

I have beaten it. Crisis Core is over. Well, for the most part. I'm still in a state of shock over the ending. Very, very, very stupidly, I didn't beat all the missions and just went on to fight the final boss which is HARD. Very HARD. Almost, but not quite Dark Cloud HARD (like from FFIII). It took me about 15 tries. And that's just an estimate. But it was worth it. The ending scenes were really, really cool, not to mention depressing. :( I don't think I'll ever watch that hidden scene in FFVII the same way again. *cough, cough* Oops. Well, on the bright side, I can beat it again with all my stuff! And I won't have to listen to LOVELESS, even though now it's starting to grow on me. Sigh.

Okay that above part was sort of confusing, I know. I am, as a person, confusing. And comma-happy. But I think I should wrap this up for now.
