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Of Love, of Death, of...Enemies?!

So, the girl was depressed. Very depressed. Nothing helped, not even stupid stuff. She became an expert at hiding her emotions from everyone. Her parents, her friends...everyone. She loved her grandfather a lot (not to say that no one else did, rather on the contrary) and she had good memories of everything. But what had crushed her the most was when he died. He died on the night of her Christmas concert. While he died, she sang songs of celebration about...Christmasy stuff. That made her hate Christmas. And Valentine's Day. Everything that had to do with loving someone. She thought, "What the hell is the point of loving someone if the person you love is just gonna die anyway?" It would be a while before love or at least a twisted version came into her life.

The next year came, bringing terrible news. Along with the girl starting to feel like she could be happy again came the news of going to middle school for the first time... I don't know how any of you felt about middle school but this crushed her spirit. For the time. But the girl decided to suck it up and take the good with the bad and just go to school with a smile. The first few months were tolerable. The girl made some friends...and with friends must inevitably come enemies.

Heh, heh, heh, so what do you think now? Have I lost any of you yet? Sigh. This is unrelated but today I got some "great" news. My great-uncle died. My uncle, the enigma. So full of life, you couldn't even imagine him dying. He'd always be different and loud and talk a lot but he was lovable. It may seem like not a big deal to some people but when someone you KNOW hurts. It just really hurts...
