Sigh. Before I actually began to write this, I knew what I was going to write about. And now , I've forgotten. So your comma-happy, cute, random friend will have to take a quick sabbatical and think...and think...and...think.
Alright! So now I can actually start on what I was planning to write. Let's start with the bad stuff first! Yeah! Okay so (was it yesturday?) I was in my math class, zoning out as usual. Then the teacher walks in and hands out the usual quiz. Yup, no suprise there. I just wrote down random stuff and then spaced out again. And guess who comes in and sits down next to me (late as usual the idiot, I mean wonderful person)? That's right, cookies to those who guessed...(wait for it) , Zack! Yes, the same person I referred to several posts ago. That Zack. Thinks he "so" much smarter than I am. One of these days. I had to endure with Zack's smart comments about how "easy" everything was the entire class. -_- Note to self: resist the urge to sic random small children on him. ANYWAYS, on another life topic, my stupid dog ran away again. Oh yes. She loves to do that to me. So I run outside, lose her trail, run back home, grab my bike and head to the beach (which is 2 minutes away). I then run to the boardwalk, throw down the bike, and scale down the cliff that the boardwalk is on. I search in vain for 30 minutes. When I finally walk home, I see this stupid little girl who likes to stalk me (she also thinks I'm a drug dealer because I have a lot of gaming systems. I try, in vain, to tell her that this is all the result of "hard work") and what does she say? She says, "Hi -insertmyrealnamehere-! I found your dog! -Random Neighbor- is taking her home." -_- Stupid kid. I swear, every Saturday morning , she comes over and asks me for help with Zelda on the DS. This is at ten in the morning, while I am still in my PJs. Curse all sixth grade kids!
Onto my gaming life! Today, I raced a chocobo in VII and X. X was funner and I resisted the urge to rip out my hair.