EDIT: WAAAHHH! I copied and pasted the effing thing and it cut off my beginning. So just...if it seems random, ignore it. I'm tired, I'm NOT going to re-write the whole thing. I'll just let your dirty little minds think what you will. :lol: (jk, jk)
Although it's more for my benefit than anyone elses so...it's going to be random. Of course, all of you expect no less from the self-proclaimed, *cute* and *random* twilightlullaby, eh? That's what I thought. ;) So, without further ado, I present to you:
"Summer Plans/Random Musings/A whole lotta other stuff!!" OR twilightlullaby's mini-novel
Oh yes. This is what you've all been waiting for. The summer *plans*. My secret agenda. :D My plans for the summer are: visiting Canada (yep. I'm FINALLY going!!! !!! !!!), seeing Distant Worlds LIVE, becoming the tractor racing champion, writing an application essay, causing mischief, drinking lots of soda, sitting by the pool, side-questing/level grinding, watching Tales of the Abyss, creating more blogs (xD), and...capturing the one and only PURPLE TOILET. XD That's by far the most interesting part, right? Don't worry, I'm going to talk about *that* in more detail later. Maybe next week...?
And what would this blog be without some reference to one of my favorite manga of all time: FMA?! Okay, so I'll explain the abbreviation AGAIN in case you didn't catch it before: Fullmetal Alchemist. That's what "FMA" stands for. And since I've only mentioned it , oh, the last 5 or 10 blogs, I think that all of you deserve an explanation. :D Skip the next part if you're not interested. But if you are...BE PREPARED! Tiny , cute, little spoilers might be lurking ahead. Just a warning!
(like always)
"Do not create humans"
"Do not make gold"
"Swear absolute loyalty to the military"
Those are the rules that bind Edward Elric, a state Alchemist, also known as the "Fullmetal Alchemist" hence the title of the manga (and anime). There's only one catch to all of that: he's already broken the first rule. When he was a little boy, he (along with his brother, Alphonse) tried to raise their mother from the dead. One problem: it failed, leaving Alphonse trapped inside a suit of armor and Edward missing his arm and leg. Pretty sad, no? And that's only the beginning. Within the first four volumes, several characters die and you're exposed to a lot of pretty disturbing stuff. Nothing TOO horrible (probably anyone reading this could handle it UNLESS they have a weak stomach xD) but still...it's sort of sad. :( That's not to say that it doesn't have its little-hearted moments. Edward Elric is quite the character, what with his *aversion* to milk and short temper regarding his height. :P And of course, what would the humor be without our *dear* Colonel Mustang and his hilarious one-liners. XD I guess I like reading this so much because the characters feel so convincing. Not to mention the chemistry seems so real and...yeah. :lol: I'll stop now. BUT if you find yourself with some spare time, please read them? Please? *makes cute eyes*
Now about all that, a while ago, I wasn't really a big manga/anime fan. To be honest...I found most of it annoying. Especially Naruto (which I STILL don't like...:x) and Inuyasha (ditto). But a while ago , a friend of mine told me about Tales of the Abyss...and that got me hooked! Remind me one day to make a blog devoted to that, I'm sure all of you will love me going on for AGES and AGES about how cute Guy is! ^_^ And don't even get me started on Mieu! :oops: To quote Tear, "Soo...cute! :oops:"
:x Lately, I think I've been far too happy. :P Always smiling and having a good time...:x It feels so out of character for me. Don't worry , I haven't become an optimist on all of you though. xD You'll never have to worry about that. Just remember, "No matter how bad things get, they could always be worse." ;) And on that note, I'll wrap this all up. Until next time...keep it real, 'kay? ;)
Extra note: Two points to the one who can find my Star Ocean reference. :x