...will resume after a short and quite serious update.
I would like you all to please keep the people of Egypt in your thoughts/prayers. Please.
It may sound incredibly stupid coming from someone like me but...well.
Taking some sort of action, no matter how small and insignificant, is better than sitting around doing nothing.
That's just what I think.
With a little less than a week left in town-on-the-verge-of-nowhere, things are flying out of control. Like UFOs.
Report cards came out...yesterday and, much to my surprise, my GPA is...:shock: People tend to go, "o lol, ur not in -insert name of science program at school here- anymore so ur dum." Gotta love people's assumptions! But no, I'm doing great. And I'm taking the same types of courses so...yeah. :x
I've been upset for a while, both in blog and in chat and in time-not-spent-in-school.Funny story about that, actually. I decided to put my daily life in the form of the worst-drawn, chicken-scrawled, excuse for a "comic" ever.
(slight disclaimer: there's language in there but it accurately reflects what my school is like. I don't think it's too bad but...don't let little kids read it?)
It's awful, I know. But, such is the nature of my life. jk, it's okay for the most part. A little weird and out-there but okay.
Today, in cIass, my friend almost made me cry. She let me borrow her copy of:
It's so great! The customization, the endless level design, the battle music beyond words! I think Aidan would really like this game.
Okay, so she let me borrow another game. Hint: think...young adults. I know, it was a great hint.
Well, I don't have much to say otherwise. I've been watching a lot of anime. Listening to the news. Staying up all night. Preparing for February 14th (which...will hopefully not be like last year, although, it would have made a good premise for a romantic comedy movie).
That is all.
EDIT: funny story, there was a irl System Wars fight on my bus today. PS3 vs. 360. :lol: (it was my fault, actually, because I was reading a video game manual).
...what, that's not funny?
Well, you had to be there. :x