It's been a while, hasn't it? I've gone from writing every two days, to writing once a month.
I blame midterms. Most have been easy, (yes, STATE, I'm looking at your sad excuse for a chemisty exam. Where are the 190 questions with no logical answers?!) but there have been a few weird questions. I'm reluctant to talk about them, however, because I'm afraid I'd be violating some hidden "code of test-taking." Playing it safe is best for now. :P *cough*MSN*cough* I said nothing.
Aside from those, it's still been busy down in the middle of nowhere. Not sure if I mentioned it but I was forced into doing a science fair for the program I'm in at my school. The project had a lot of weight, a test , quiz, and lab grade, thank you very much, and I was sure that I was going to fail. BUT...I passed. :| And it brought my grade up to an "A." Can someone spell, "**** yeah!" ?
I'm sure all of you have had enough about my school life though, so let's move on to another part of my life. Social. I gotta log in with that. It's , like, totally part of the experience.
There's not a lot to say about that. Does it ever seem that you miss the people you want to see the most? I also discovered that a friend of mine was talking with a teacher about me the other day. General consensis: twilight is socially retarded. Then thiscreepy guy said someone liked me, and then pulled me outside and said it was him. :cry: That ruined my day. Although, thinking about me, it could've been worse.
Of course, this is depressing. Let's talk about gaming instead. :)
I picked up a copy of this Zelda superpack for the Gamecube. For the life of me, I can't remember whether I beat Ocarina of Time so I'm playing that again. It's certainly not worthy of "BEST GAME EVAR" but it's amusing and it's a nice relief from social life and school work. Plus dancing like a Goron is good for your abs. :|
I'm also working on Animal Crossing: FOR THE DS. It's cute, it's addictive, and it can get repetitive. But hey! Making lopsided snowmen is fun.
Speaking of, some of my friends conned me into getting a Facebook last month. I have a love/DEADLY HATE relationship with the whole thing. I love being able to talk to my friends at school, since living in a small town makes hanging out aj;fksdl but it's slightly addictive. :/ Don't ask why. It's also easy to stalk/be stalked. *shudder*
Time to get back to OoT and its corny dialogue. "YAHOOO!" :|