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Persian Conflicts

A wise man once told me, "Today you will make a sudden and impulsive decision to paint your left ear green." I didn't follow his advice, obviously, because my ears are still...whatever color they are. Let's go with "pale tea color."

Anyways, yesterday, I saw...PRINCE OF PERSIA: SANDS OF TIME. No big deal. Just another video game movie, right?

Another image of beautiful people cavorting in a fountain, we can see this in Vogue anyday.

I'm not quite sure what to think, honestly, because I've forgotten 78.9% of the whole thing. This was probably the first time I've ever been jealous of a guy's outfit. I want to be a "Prince of Persia" too! :cry:

Overall summary, generic action flick with corny dialogue but a few highlights, such as the leading man (♥ ), nifty score, and lovely costume/set design. What better way to start off the summer...?

(I wish it had been written better though. Come on, Disney!)


School's not quite out yet.

Things with that guy went pretty badly. Long story. Like I said, "Highly doubt it." Oh well. No happy ending. :P

Quote of the day: "So, basically, people who are against stem cell research are stupid?" Because there's no better way to disagree with someone than to be a total jerk about it! I mean, come on, being polite is a thing of the past. Get with the times!

I've been planning out my courses for next year and it looks something like:

AP Government

And I have a final in...PE, of all subjects. You'd think we'd be outside, but no, it's a written final. This sort of makes me sad.


I made a movie the other day and it is quite horrible. The credits are the best part. If I can get over my singing voice and my cringe-worthy acting, I might post a link.

Oh and I got a 360 too. FOR REAL. (of course, most people probably figured this out already) One day, I'm going to wake up and it will be gone.

Life is okay. Average, full of the usual business, a bit monochromatic. I just need to get more sleep.

.the end.