Yeah. You guessed it. I got myself some new games. 8) How did I manage to do that? Err...well, there was a sale. A nice sale. Another "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" sale. *sigh*
So today, I was going to get a copy of Tales of the Abyss from my local Gamestop 'cos I keep hearing about it and it sounds pretty interesting. Anyway, the minute I got there, I saw the sale ad in the front window. *sigh* Yep. I'm very , very, very weak against sales so I went in. *sigh* My conversation with the sales clerk went like this:
"Do you have ICO?"
"Do you have Tales of the Abyss?"
"No. Sorry we don't seem to have anything you're looking for."
"Well, do you have Persona 4?"
:roll: So I ended up getting the following games that are part of my master list. I'm insanely cheap so I usually don't buy gamesover 30 dollars...*sigh* Which means no Pokemon for me...:cry: :
Valykrie Profile: Silmeria (:O! My dad says I look like the girl on the front cover! :O)
Shadows of the Colossus (played a bit of it a while back...thought it was cool, never got around to buying it)
Final Fantasy V!
*victory fanfare*
That's one of the FFs I never got around to playing. So as I write this, I've put the game on pause. I've played exactly 11 minutes so far. :P Haven't gotten around to playing the others. -_-
Oh and one more quick note: I'm changing my profile banner, maybe even making a new blog header! :O Be prepared