On a typical Christmas Eve, I'd be sitting in church singing carols and listening to a message on something I'd probably forget the next day. But this is not an ordinary day. :| The thing is, I'm sick. No, it's not life threatening or anything. It's justa cold. I've had it for quite some time...but it was never serious enough for me to stay home. And I like going to school. :P Well, sometimes.
So my eyes are watering. And I'm all stuffed up. But I thought I'd at least spread a little bit of Christmas cheer before going to sleep. If I can sleep. You know...Christmas Eve excitement and all that. :D Guess I'm still a very small child at heart.
Break's been very quiet so far. Some of my friends threw a party, on Wednesday, but I was stuck going to the doctor instead. It was for the best, I think, because I still needed to get a few more gifts together for everyone. My relatives are coming on Saturday...but I'm not terribly excited about that. *shrug* I like having things low-key but I don't know. It'd be nice to see people other than my family, you know? I guess that's a negative side effect of small-town life.
Let's see...I haven't talked about gaming in a while. Hmm. Well, in case I haven't mentioned it already, a while back I got Spirit Tracks. It is much better than Phantom Hourglass. I've gotten to the fourth dungeon and I'm working on the boss. He's a bit frustrating but I'll get the hang of it...I hope. One of main antagonists also reminds me of the Happy Mask Salesman, from Majora's Mask.
What do you think?
I've also been trying to finish The World Ends with You. Joshua...is an...interesting partner....to say the least. :| He's going in a dress as soon as I can get his bravery level high enough. So is Neku, for that matter. :x But I have to say, my favorite character so far is...Sho Minamimoto. I LOVE HIM. This is probably because I can get all of his math jokes. :| And I think they're funny too. Wait, is mentioning him a spoiler?! Oh well. :P
"This is subtracting from my arts and crafts time."
That's really about it...console wise...I just haven't had the time or energy to set my PS2 up. :x My sound cable is also not working well and makes this annoying buzzing sound whenever I plug it in. It's not too noticable but it drives me nuts everything.
Well, I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. :)