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Some say it's the beginning of a new decade. Others argue that "technically" it's not until '11. Honestly, I don't care. :P A new year is a new year no matter how you put it. It's also a very important day to me. If you can figure out why, well, kudos to you. :D

On a totally unrelated topic, over my winter break, I've had the good fortune of being able to see a lot of movies. Titles are as follows:

Avatar- In a word, gorgeous. More than anything...half the fun of seeing the movie was sitting on the floor in the back of our crappy movie theater. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the phrase, "Let's fight terror with terror," was used? ...yeah. Yeah. Go see it.

Sherlock Holmes- I have to say, this is probably the first book to movie adaption that hasn't annoyed the crap out of me. Quirky, a bit "black", and mildly amusing, I'm probably the only one who enjoyed this movie. :P Besides my cousin.

The Grudge- Holy. ****. HOLY. ****. I was not afraid while watching this movie. Really. I only jumped at one part. But...after it was over, man. I kept hearing that moaning sound everywhere. And don't get me started on that eye. My imagination is too good for my own good.

Some Random Saw Movie- I don't like gore. Sure, one day I'm going to be a doctor, but gore in REAL LIFE and gore IN MOVIES are two different things for me. That sounds extremely weird but it's true. Most of the movie annoyed me because they dragged out the torture and crap. It was stupid. I mean, some of it was interesting like these "games" the killer made them play but...I don't know. I just find movies like that hard to enjoy.

Pan's Labyrinth- The lullaby at the beginning of the movie is too catchy. I really loved the creature designs in this movie. Not a traditional fairy tale, that's for sure. It's more Brothers Grimm than Disney.

District 9- I'm pretty sure this had a hidden message. That's what my dad said at least. He paused the movie and explained a ton of stuff about it to me. Gory in parts but well done. And the little alien kid made me cry.

I probably saw a few more...but I can't remember them right now. :P

So. I guess I should talk about real life now. You gotta have the bad with the good, right? Actually, life's been good. Last night I was out with a group of friends at this party. :? *shudder* Karaoke...horror movies...staying up until 6. It's a wonder I've been able to stayawake today.

I'm a little miffed at a friend of mine right now too. For their benefit, I won't go into details but...they're just being stupid. STUPID STUPID STUPID. You know I'm mad when I capitalize words three times in a row. -_- And I needed to vent at someone. *shrug*

It's the new year! Eat, drink (non-alcholic beverages...plz), and be merry? Yeah.


NOTE- My new avatar. He's amazing, isn't he? :lol: I went from cute guy avvie to tough guy. Expect a blog/profile header overhaul sometime this spring. ^^