Man, I am such a grouch, kind of like Oscar the Grouch if he was a teenage girl.
This is it from me, at least on the whole official blog thing, until the new year. So yeah. It's going to be long. Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen. :P
In retrospect, I guess a lot of things happened this year. I don't really know if I changed- if anything, I feel a lot dumber. It's kind of early to reflect on the year, but everyone does stuff differently, yeah?
My parents and I are still sort of neither here nor there. My dad was freaking out about my PSAT score and I know that's not really great news for the holidays, but this isn't really a holiday kinda blog- more on the level of noo year. It wasn't bad- just kind of dumb. And stupid. My Christmas present is SAT prep. :roll: Because, you know, the PSAT's dictate your entire life's course.
I think part of it's just my school- I wasn't sure what to think of it at first, but the people there, at least in the cIasses I take, are kind of mule-hats. Like, "wow, you are so worthless, how are you even in NHS, you can't even make honor roll."I thought I liked my lab partners, but they're kind of jerks too. Which is really sad.
The holidays are kind of a happy time, but there's also something a little bit sad about them too, I've noticed. When you're little, it's easier to be excited about PRESENTS and SINGING and FOOD. I mean, I'm not even that old. I'm too young to be as cynical as I am, I think.
Anyway, thank you, everyone, for always being there (especially Cory, Courtney, Aidan, uhhh, and lots of other people too (hi Michael. And Katherine.)
Here a video that I made last school year that you all may or may not find informational. I thought it was good, but I also put a new pair of wooden teeth on my Christmas wishlist.
This is my final project for my AP Psychology cIass. It had a positive reaction.
thanks, and have a great holiday/noo year!
sorry, as always, for being so lame~
(wow, this was kind of short)
extra- I've been listening to this song a lot. I love the bit about James Dean.
extra 2- my next blog will be about tinsel. and leveling up. and about my secret Christmas wish to play Dungeons and Dragons. Except it's not a secret anymore because I just talked about it.
extra 3- *sparkle*