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Rose of May, this strange new addiction

Before I start, I want to say one thing: I have never been a big fan of Final Fantasy IX. I played it for about three hours and then quit. This was over holiday break, when I was very sick.

A couple months ago, on ffonline, one of the mods gave this gushing review about the fan singer on you tube. I was thinking to myself, "Okay, this sounds kind of biased and over-rated." I didn't check it out. Recently (about 5 days ago?), I decided to look it up in my "spare time" (I use this phrase lightly). I kid you not when I say this is pretty good. My favorite piece is "Rose of May." Her versions of "Aerith's Theme" and "You're not Alone" are decent but feel a little...I dunno. Done already (especially "Aerith's Theme")? But I would recommend at least checking her out (the singer is , of course, female) before making an assumption. If you don't like her, then you can send me an angry PM about how crappy my review was.

The reason I haven't posted millions of times this week is because of my laptop. When I try to post on GameSpot, the font goes wacky and won't type or it will come out slowly. So I decided to "cheat" and type this up on Word Processor.

Speaking of, have any of you played LOTR: The 3rd Age? I keep getting this eerie feeling that it's a knock off of Final Fantasy. Thoughts on this?
