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Snowfall, Rainfall, that time of year

(the following is a song. I'm not sure what the tune is though)

Who is still in school when everyone else is not?

Who is working until the last possible moment?

Who is testing all the time?

Just kidding. It's not me. :P


So, this is probably my last blog of the year (UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY. j/k, I was hatched from an egg , so I don't have a birthday). I'm leaving next week btw. !!! I know, late notice. I haven't even packed yet. And I'm getting in at one in the morning because the time is different over there. "Over where?" ARIZONA. D: I have family there.

Ffff, the season creeps up on you like a zombie.


Our student directed one acts (SDOA-SODA-UBOA...:cry: ) have gotten off to what I think might be the worst way possible. Every rehearsal we get some new bad news. I'm not being negative- it's the truth. I can't talk about it...because I can't, but it's just pretty depressing.

I got the best director out of the three. The cast is mostly okay except for these two guys, one of whom is a total moron who makes remarks that are offensive to basically anyone with a functioning brain and the other guy cannot read his lines. Let me spell this out: He. Cannot. Say. His. LINES. :x But other than them, it's been cool. This girl was gone the other day, so this kid with a minor role filled in for her , and he was amazing. :lol:

So maybe it's not so bad after all. And btw, I am the villain. Obviously.


Oh! The other day, I started to realize that my life is the plot of one of those high school movies. People might have pointed it out in the past, but I'm slow to catch on sometimes. Anyway, the point of this is, I've been working on a soundtrack complied of random songs that fit my life. Not original but stuff I hear on the radio. Stuff that cheers me up. Stuff I listened to during the dark hours of my chemistry homework.Motivational songs. Depressing songs. THAT ONE SONG THAT GOT STUCK IN MY HEAD. The empty feeling song.Old-schooling it?!The lame, predictable song that plays when the heroine goes to the dance and SHOCK, everyone realizes, wow she's so cool. You know how those movies go. :roll:

I think you guys get the idea. :lol: (if someone clicked all the links, I will give them...a drawing.) Some of it is cheesy, some of it's great, some of it's WTF. Just like my life.

(hahaha, it's so sad that I had to resort to talking about this. How dorky is that?)

---- a little over a month, I'll have been here for three years. Three freaking years. I think that's a record for me. And , of course, I'll have to do that list of friends. :P How can I not? It would go against TRADITION (not again, I know).

I should start now:

anonymous885: You are so creepy. I don't know who you are , and I don't know why you insist on stalking me, but it is the most flattering thing ever. Please, don't ever stop (well that sounds wrong).


Man, this blog is winding down into that usual pattern of nonsense. See you guys next year. :P Or on MSN, if I don't disappear on you or fall asleep or realize that I have to do homework or study or...


I drew this on a picture that I made for my friend. Merry Christmakahkwanzoxingdayzeveprohibition and a Happy bir-NEW YEAR.