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social butterlifes


-at the dance everyone talks about, my friend came up to me and was like, "I knew it was you because no one else flails around the dance floor like you do."

-on the style of dancing: "there's more grinding going on than the meatpacking district in the 1920's!"

-this guy at the after-party (read: people lying around on couches playing "truth or dare." a. had the best responses: "here are my truths. I'm white. I'm a vegan.") summed up my feelings on going out, "you know usually I'm a stay at home and play xbox kind of guy."

-my favorite picture was the one I took of the floor, but a close second was the picture of my friends...and me off to the side pretending to drink from a pint glass. Most people have pictures with their hot date. Me, well, I don't even get my drink. lllame.

-things are kind of panicky and busy right now, so I think I'm going to keep GS activity on the DL for a least until the 19th of May. I already know that half of my exams are going to suck, badly, but I'm at least going to try.

-in ape lang, there is an expansive plan, pioneered by yours truly, to find everyone's Lord of the Rings counterpart. English has traditionally been the cIass in which I start stuff like that. That's where my Twitter account began. English cIass with Ms. O. All the things I couldn't say in cIass- BAM. Nothing obscene, obviously, just my weird observations on life.

-two minutes left.

-John Green! I haven't talked about John Green in this blog, at least not that I can remember, and that is sad! I don't even know where to begin and in thinking about it all, I've gone over my time limit. One word: nerdfighters. Also May 6th. Google it! (and read Paper Towns- it's my favorite book of his! This freshman in my cIass read it and enjoyed it, so there is maybe hope for my brother's graduating cIass.)

-today I realized that I had 500 text messages to send to anyone EACH MONTH. what a wonderful surprise.

-also, student government. I'm going for both cIass and school-wide. maybe it's going to be too much, but I miss the crazy world of student politics. It's mostly the popular kids, but hopefully I can shatter that mold with my artfully styled hair and unusual fashion statements! All lies (read: high school movies) are rooted in a small grain of truth or something like that. I have a chance.

I was going to include a shameless plug for some kind of social media platform that I use, but I am ten minutes overtime and I should be doing something productive, like...memorizing carbon compounds.
