So, we've now reached the month of October. It's really starting to get colder here in Merry-land. I actually wore a light jacket the other day! Of course, with the cold comes the season of stuffy noses. Mine is running CONSTANTLY. And the thing is, I never remember to bring tissue. So I have to beg some off the teachers or try and stuff my pockets with paper towels during lunch in the bathroom. :P The bathroom is REALLY scary but I think the people outside are worse. Tell me, WHO stands right behind the door to the girl's bathroom? This guy I hit in the head, obviously. I felt bad at first but I think he deserved it, if he was stupid enough to stand there. I also feel slightly disturbed now.
Did you know that evenness is a word? I didn't. It sounds so wrong, like some kind of word you'd make up. But no, no, no , according to Webster's Dictionary, it IS a word. I think "LOL" is a word too. That's so lame. "LOL" stands for "Laugh Out Loud." It's an acryonym. Maybe we're all just slowly degenerating...
And how could I forget, that with October, here comes Halloween! :D One of the best holidays ever to be invented by mankind, Halloween consists of getting free candy from strangers, scaring people (:D), and dressing up in costumes that'd usually get you beaten up. It sounds weird on paper but in all actuality, it's pretty great.I like it! And this year, it falls on a Saturday night. Woooooo. No school the next day. What could possibly be sweeter? You all probably want to know whether I'm going to be dressing up or not. I don't think you're ever too old to dress up. Maybe I'm just weird. I don't know. It's sort of fun. Like...cosplay! :D
This leads into one of my last points: "The Tale of the Moustache"
I really don't know how to say this. Maybe I shouldn't. Well, as they say, a picture is a thousand words...
(insert nice image HERE! :x Gamespot, why did you have to keep screwing up my picture today? :cry: )
That was me, last Wednesday, if memory serves. I had a moustache. :| And a goatee. It was pretty sexy, if I do say so myself. :P (of course, there *IS* no picture....)
So, for Halloween, I'm trying to decide whether to repeat that or think of something new.
What do you think?
(ohmygoodness! I actually wrote a short blog for once! Are you happy, people who don't like long blogs? :P)