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Spring cleaning

Today in cIass, the student government president tried to get us all not to write this timed essay (because we had a sub, blablabla boring backstory). I thought it might be kind of fun, but someone started writing one, so that idea was over before it began. And then she called the entire cIass a synonym for cats. I'm glad we have people with such strong integrity and kind character taking care of student government! Warms my heart!

Spring break is in less than a day and counting, and I'm pumped! I get to go to the beach, far, far, far away from the wilds of the North, and get some sun and maybe hang out with total strangers. Fun fact: I like strangers despite having a somewhat irrational fear of people. My pa was going to take me to do some of that there college visiting, but no more. I can just skip some school (it's actual smiled upon by the authorities as long as you have proper papers and the like) sometime next month and go visit then instead.

Then there is prom. I have been shanghaied into being a part of the "thing." The sponsor is my favorite teacher (nerd alert!), and my co-partner in crime is this guy that I sometimes get along with (aside from his perpetual sass and drama and his views on dating a girl who is obviously in love with him, "She's a grade below." Yup, really robbing the cradle with that potential relationship.), so it'll be an adventure. Prom talk is driving me crazy though, so I'll stop. example: girl: "my boyfriend doesn't like the dress I'm wearing." girl1:"girl, just wear the dress you want to wear. what a jerk!" guy: "If my boyfriend didn't like my dress, I'd cry."

Next month is also a surprise partner for maybe my only possible friend in school(I don't have friends- I just know a lot of people on a really superficial level. well not really. I try to listen to people, but people generally ignore me. Because I'm a freak.). She bought me lunch today!! I had bread and a creepy chicken sandwich and Sunny-D. I don't really know why we get along this year because we didn't last year, but somehow we are unlikely pals. My label is "the genius kid from beyond." It's a mystery to me.

Here is another mystery: this girl has been coming up to me while I've been waiting for the bus and talking to me. It really freaks me out. The other day she was like, "I saw the Hunger Games. Did you see the Hunger Games? My mom took me and my friends." And then today it was my lunchbox (Pikachu). I don't know her! Where is she from? What is her purpose?

Things in general are okay, I guess.

EDIT: my next major plan for this blog thing is a new header. and maybe a video segment before summer, where I leave. For good.
