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Stuff on the Table

A lot's been going on lately. A whole lot. Enough to blog about, I guess.

Let's start with life. My engineering team pretty much bombed our project; it was disappointing but somewhat predictable. It's got me a little down , but I'm putting it behind me. We were fifth, out of five teams for our class. Nice, huh?

Our family's decided to move. I don't know how that affects anyone here but it's important, so I thought I'd share. Big surprise? I think not. There is a slight chance that we WON'T move, but that's slim to none and I'm not counting on it. I've been slowly telling the people that matter about it, in person because texts are too impersonal and emails can be intercepted. Call me old-fashioned, I guess.

Play rehearsals have been the shining moment in my life recently. I've gotten almost all my lines down, I just need to be able to say them, if that makes sense. Sigh. I had a dream the other night that I got kicked out. It was really realistic too.

SO, that's enough about that, I think. People get enough bad stuff already without have to listen to my additional bits of "woe is me" "life sux dood" and "my friends are all a bunch of toolz."

Let's talk about gaming for once in my life on GS.


That's right. I got to play it, despite my beliefs that it , "never would happen." You see, my mom placed a video game ban on my siblings...and *I* got roped into it too. Oh, the days without video games were just so horrible. :roll: No, it wasn't that bad. I pretended I was in elementary school again.

First Impressions:

Basically, I've played a little over an hour. I think that's more than enough time to give a quick overview of this.

-OH MAN THIS GAME IS PRETTY. I remember for this one cut-scene, it was just so nice and artistic. It made me want to paint something, even though my art pretty much sucks.

-The music, while infrequent, is nice. Well, "nice" doesn't give it justice but you know what I mean. Also, because I pre-ordered, I got a soundtrack. I think music is the best pre-order bonus one can get. Besides a chicken hat or a figure, I mean. ;)

-So far, I have yet to encounter many of the characters mentioned in the instruction manual. I've met the silver-haired girl and PK , a robot-thingy who seems extremely suspicious.

-Yes, AIDAN AND RED, I did sniff both the game box and instruction manual. It was kind of weird, almost like medicine.

-Last, but not least, I should talk about...the battle system. Or the sad excuse for a "battle system." Yeah, it's pretty bad. So, about 10 minutes or so into the game, I go into a bathroom, braving creepy hands and creepy battle music, to get a weapon. I expect the it to last me for the rest of the game , or at least until I find an upgrade. Oh no. I was leveling up my little boy and the DAMN THING breaks on me. I was all like, "WTF man? Now my attack power is less than half of what it used to be!" Also, the enemy encounters suck. The growling from the Wii remote really scares me though.

-There was much more to that story but it's confusing and it'd take up way to much time to try and complain. Maybe some other year. :P

-I'm sick! Oh wait...that's not a video game thing.

Since everyone's been talking about Pokemon, I've decided to borrow a copy of Sapphire, which I started a while back but never finished, from my friend again. Actually, he insisted that I play it. No, it's not love, he's just a friend. We both like the Beatles and bond over abuse from a mutual friend of ours. Something like that. And he's gay.

Anyway, I feel sort of tired and yeah. More next time? Maybe.
