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Suddenly I see...

I've never been into mainstream pop. But, once I get a song stuck in my head, it's impossible to get it out unless I buy the song and listen to it fifty million times. There's this song (a mainstream pop hit...) that I feel really describes my life right now called, "Suddenly I See." Part of the song goes like this, "Suddenly I see, this is what I wanna be. Why the hell does it mean so much to me?" I'll explain in the next paragraph.

Back in...January, I began working at a historical site as a "trainee." And as I've been getting into it and learning more, I'm starting to have second thoughts about being a doctor. Yeah , sure, being a doctor pays more but if there's one thing I've learned , it's that money is not the most important thing in life. I mean, this is something that...I've really loved. I love teaching others about what I know and seeing that spark of "getting it" in a little kid's eyes when they start to know? Go ahead, laugh at me. My family already does; they think the whole thing is a joke. And once I try to start talking about my job to my friends, they ignore me. It's like what I do doesn't matter to the people I care about the most. -_- Such is the nature of life...I guess. *sighs* I just, never mind.

So onto other stuff. I won't be around this weekend because I'm going to the beach for spring break. Time to get me a tan...:P I'll miss all of you and maybe...I'll post pictures. Nah, that's a dumb idea. :lol:
