Television shows take a break for the summer. Now, so is twilightlullaby (trademark). I am breaking my usual trend of discussing exciting topics such as cute boys at picnics and Tabasco sauce and choosing to just not write anything.
I'm not leaving. It's a pause or whatever in the usual programming. Gamespot is kind of annoying right now, like a demonic mixture of Facebook and Twitter, but I can deal with it. The decision of the yearbook staff at my school to incorporate Twitter into this year's yearbook irritates me to no end. I like the idea of Twitter, but my peers abuse it like pixie sticks at a child beauty pageant.
Excessive use of similies aside, things are okay right now, I guess. This girl called me fat today, which was ironic for reasons I won't mention. I ran locker-clean-out for undercIassmen because everyone at my school is horribly wasteful and throws away brand new binders and dividers (sucky grammar ftw). I collected all those school supplies, with some help, and now they are sitting a huge pile in the guidance office. Not that anyone cares: most people just laugh at me and call me trash girl, which is not a cute nickname. It's actually really mean. BUT! The supplies are going to help people and I think that's wonderful. Related: out of the one hundred or so NHS members, only one signed up to help me. zing.
and I didn't run for student government. it's a long story. Did I talk about this already?
On the bright side, I have thirty-ish tomato plants. Does anyone want one?
I found my copy of Okami, after having lost it for about a year. It makes me both happy and sad.
See you all next fall. ?