Last day of "higher education" (for now, anyway)
- I walked to school. It makes sense contextually. And it was really nice. Sort of like an ADVENTURE. haha.
-My bus driver bought everyone ICE CREAM (ICE CREAM) on the way home. ICE CREAM111
(as you can tell, I was really excited about this. "I think this is illegal." best. quote. ever.)
-The principal ruined my last ten minutes of school by blasting a song over the intercom system. I don't even know what it was. Everyone was like, "what. the hell." Authority figures. :roll:
-This may sound strange but I think my physics teacher tried to set me up! Another piece in the mysterious "physics xbox plot arc," haha. Please don't ask because I don't even know how to explain. It is a good story though and as soon as I figure out how to tell it, I will. Maybe it will be a movie someday. "Love Amongst the Magnetic Fields." :lol:
-Love is in the air! Well, not for me, because I am the anti-hero/villain/axis of evil and therefore am barred from stuff like that. But still. This girl in my foreign language cIass asked me (me?) for advice/support on how to win the heart of this guy that I sort of know because *gasp* we are in the same graduating cIass. That means that I must have some extra edge into understanding her situation [/extreme sarcasm]. Obviously.
And that was the story of how I became part of a made for tv movie but in real life.
It was disgustingly sweet.
Like eating an entire bag of candy necklaces you know the really gross ones that little kids wear and they taste like laminated sugar but not really maybe more like cardboard.
-Finals were okay. I was surprised. Physics came out of left field like a speeding bullet train though. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty terrible. But that's alright. I did my best. That's all you can do.
-Last Saturday I ended up watching the Nintendo press conference (and according to GS, the Microsoft one as well). ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA111 Also...WiiU sounds like a noise you'd make to imitate a police car or something. Not that I ever did that as a kid. Those are my impressions of the whole thing.
-Okami. I keep getting overwhelmed by all of the exciting extra things there are to do. Restoring the land! Feeding animals! It's all too much. And I can't draw circles. At all. Bloom does not work for me. That's all I've been playing lately, really.
-My brother and I (my brother is a pain but we get along from time to time. It's just one of those things. He annoys the...crap out of me but that's what siblings are for, you know?) started LEGO Indiana Jones this morning. It was pretty okay. We didn't kill each other too much. And it was sort of fun. hmm. either way it means more gamescore. Not that I care about that sort of thing.
-This blog probably didn't make sense, huh? I'm sorry, my eyes are blurry and stuff. Plus...I'm a little ajdfk;oiwre about different things. But since when does stuff I write make sense? Never. :P
-I got a haircut! To be accurate, I chopped off a lot of my hair because I was upset. But people seem to like it, surprisingly enough.
That's it. I'm keeping it short (like my hair) for summer. I dunno if I'll be writing a lot here so yeah.
73 days left of summer.