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That dran Aidan. :x Tagging me after I told him , "No." It's rude to ignore other people when they tag you I guess I should get to it. According to what he said, I'm supposed to give out 35 facts. It's going to be long and it's going to be painful, but trust me, everyone of you will make it out alive. :lol:

1. My favorite wintery song is "Yuki no Hana."

2. Despite evidence to the contrary, Aidan is one of my best friends. It's terrible.

3. Some might call me an artist.

4. Altering clothing (as in dying or hemming or whatever) is one of my favorite things to do. When I have the time.

5. I bought the game "Romancing SaGa" because I thought it would be a love story. :P Aren't I stupid?

6. According to my friend, I am "perky" and "optimistic." That's what they all think...:twisted:

7. My friends always , always, ALWAYS get me into embarassing conversations. ALWAYS. :x

8. I almost set a screen on fire the other day when lighting a match.

9. Believe it (or not), I have a black trenchcoat. :lol:

10. The only time I like the rain is on the weekends. During the school year, I'm always afraid my textbooks will get wet to and from school.

11. This year, as an assignment, I'm writing my own graphic novel. The art is terrible but I think the story isn't half bad. :P

12. Sharing my writing is a very hard thing for me to do. I get really shy about it.

13. When I first joined the site, I was really depressed.

14. I have more email accounts than any person could ever use. Probably up to 20 by now. Half of them I shut down though.

15. Using smilies to convey my emotions is something I do a lot. You know, since you can't see my face as I'm writing this.

16. I think most people would consider that odd though.

17. And I also think that people don't want to know this much about me.

18. Most people hate J-Pop. I really like it. Well, most of it. Some of it does suck.

19. I twist my hands a lot back and forth when I'm nervous. Or my hat, if I have it out.

20. The best part of a TV show is the opening credits. If they cut them out *cough*stargateuniverse*cough*, then it's no fun! Then I can't sing along with the opening song.

21. There is a VGM song named after me.

22. On that topic, there's also a video game character who has the same name as I do.

23. So earlier I said I was nervous. Usually it just happens with large groups of people.

24. For Halloween, I'm dressing up as Shiki, from The World Ends with You.

twilight's costume ^-^

25. I'm also working on making my own RPG. It's been going really slowly and I feel like I've lost my inspiration. Plus I've forgotten how to do half of it.

The other ten facts will have to wait for a later blog. I've tortured you all long enough.

Of course, that's not stopping me from writing another paragraph though. :P This week is going to be pretty busy for me. It's the end of first quarter and the teachers are all trying to cram in as many tests/projects/reports into their grades as possible. I actually have 4 big tests this week. :? So, if I sort of vanish for a while, I'm sorry. But most likely I'll still be on. ;) Sometimes.
