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that one teenager: back to school edition

Feel free to skip this blog. The focus is mainly on school and school stuff, and if you're as tired of all that as I am, just...I don't really know right now.


The smell of feet combined with the faint aroma of spaghetti sauce, the overly crowded hallways, the constant pressure to conform...

You can tell a lot about a person by the cIasses they take. Around here, I've been starting to get the impression that people are kind of academic (understatement of the year). There's really no in-between- you're either academically obsesed or not. (that might sound like a contradiction to the "kind of academic" statement, but it isn't.)

So let's break down some different cIasses. :P

Spanish is kind of the mainstream cIass- everyone takes Spanish. It's a useful language, you know? I can't really say a lot about Spanish except a fair amount of my relatives speak it and that I probably should have taken it.

Then there is French. If you are in French, you are either: eccentric in some manner or another or you are completely clueless or you're one of those popular kids who think taking it will make you "sophisticated." French cIasses are always a little bit quirky regardless of who you are/you think you are.

We also have Latin. I took Latin for a year. It was okay. The people who take Latin are either: looking to pad their college applications ("Why yes Mr. College Admissions Man, I do speak Latin. Fluently.") or sort of academic.

Obviously you can't just stereotype everyone, but this are kind of general trends. Also, foreign languages love food/parties that involve food. Food is a big deal.

Foreign language cIasses, however, are only a small component of what schools around here can offer you. [/infomercial] With cIasses such as "Multivariable Calculus" and "AP Fun with Words," your child will never have reason to not feel academically challenged again. :x

It's really easy to feel like a loser around here.

"Oh twilight, you're only taking AP Calculus? I took that cIass as a sophomore. Wahaha!"

"twilight, you can't have possibly taken Physics. You don't even know how to add vectors. You probably just took Conceptual Physics which is a baby cIass, but it's perfect for you, considering how you're a girl and all."

"twilight, you can act? I thought you just used your wimpy nerd muscles to move large objects around backstage."

"twilight, teaching yourself how to play the guitar is way too mainstream. You're such a poser."


And, yeah, I've heard a lot of comments like those. This guy didn't believe I took Physics last year even though I always had the monkeyfighting textbook with me all the time. But that's kind of in character for him.

Anyway. Let's talk about PE. I get to take PE again this year because apparently one year isn't good enough for the Commonwealth. Everyone in my cIass is basically a male senior athlete. I kind of hate it. I've never really been the athlete type, more like the nerd who sits inside and reads about fantasy worlds and stuff. And it's a full year of PE, none of that "let's learn about the human body" stuff for half a semester. Everyone laughs when I talk about it because the cIass is called "Advanced PE" (jokingly referred to as AP PE by some of my friends. "Oh yeah, look at that guy, he's definitely a five." :x).

So if I die halfway through the year, that is the reason why.

On the bright side, there is no bright side. I managed to impress the principal the other day with my morning announcement. His reaction was, literally, "WHOA THAT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE." And then this crowd of people rushed me and were like, "Whoa, twilight, amazing." And I awkwardly backed off and went to cIass. People tend to stereotype me as that quiet weird girl who spends too much time in the computer lab working on homework- that's why everyone was freaking out. Also, I would like to say that it's not stalking if you were going to a place long before the guy that it seems like you were stalking even got there. :x


tl;dr whatever.

(also, concerning the play, I made it but not really. It's really not worth dwelling upon. The people there are kind of mean too. And I lent my dollar to someone and now I'm never going to see it again.)

If you made it through this blog (like...actually read it), I will send you a size 18 1/2 leprechaun shoe through paypal. If you are allergic to leprechauns, I will send you a slice of aged cheese. Like...the gross kind that will probably kill you one day.

(gamespot, why do you spell-check words I never even typed? an answer would be nice. sincerely, twilight)