You better have known this way coming! I spent the last couple of blogs all *happy* and whatnot...well now it's time to see the stuff that I DO NOT LIKE. In the least. :evil:
DISCLAIMER: The following statements are merely a matter of opinion and to be taken as such. If you feel differently, fine. Okay. I can respect that. Just don't bash my opinion! :x
1. Long lines. Like at the grocery store.
2. Fowarded emails. Especially the ones with death threats. "Give x amount of money or we'll kill you!"
3. Allergies. :x Yeah, I have really bad ones!
4. Spring
5. Setting up chairs
6. Holier-than-thou people.
7. Glitches...especially here! I was originally going to post a blog of my favorite video game music but the %#!#%^& thing wouldn't let me! It's probably just my laptop though...*sigh*
8. Sleep-less-ness. That's something I go through every night.
9. Princess Natalia from Tales of the Abyss. Stay away from Guy! :x :lol:
10. Updating virus protection software.
11. Finals
12. My friend and her schemes! :x (no one here knows her...thank God!)
13. Being hurt
14. Getting lost with a person who refuses to ask for directions
15. Video games with a stupid romantic subplot! :x *cough, cough*
16. Girls in video games! They act so stupid! It makes me ticked off! I'm not like that! Yeah, maybe there are a FEW exceptions but even's so FREAKIN' cliche...
17. My arch-nemesis
18. LOVELESS and Genesis
19. Awkward silences during critical moments.
20. Sunday mornings....
So that's about it. I could drag on forever...but that's enough.
"Dismiss me. Enough." :lol: I will give a REALLY good reward to the one who can identify where that quote came from!