Listen to this: I didn't think I'd cry. Not one bit. But okay, I didn't cry until the ddend when the finality of the situation hit me. What am I talking about, you may ask yourself (or you may think I'm mad). Another warning, this post includes SPOILERS so I'm telling you now even though this spoiler is known by almost everyone.
I was playing FFVII the other day and I was in the Temple of the Ancients after fighting the Demon Wall (a rip-off of a FFIV boss how lame). Then I went through a confusing cutscene where Cloud beat up Aerith (meanie!). Then I dug up a Lunar Harp. I was having fun. Then I went to this place past some weird forest and I was hit by deja vu. The place looked familiar. But I shook the uneasy feeling from my stomach. This place I was in was apparently some old capital abandoned long ago. After going through a scene where the party rests for a while , you then go to the next location. An underground castle. It was so amazing , even though the graphics were dated it was just awesome. But my stomach started feeling worse and worse. Then it hit me: This place is where Aeris...dies!
Next I went through a confusing scene where Cloud tries to kill Aeris and is stopped. Then from the ceiling comes..Sephiroth? I close my eyes not wanting to look and hear the sickening "shing" of the sword going through Aeris. My mouth went dry. I couldn't breath. Then I go through this banter between Sephiroth and Cloud, bla, bla, bla and fight JENOVA something or another. Still not crying. Then after the battle Tifa and Barrett (my member of choice sadly) look at Aerith. When Cloud picked up Aerith and brought her to the Lifestream, I cried my eyes out. I couldn't stop. It was heartbreaking to see an innocent die. What did she ever do to anyone? It was shocking eventhough I knew the outcome.
PS-This was waaaay too long a post