It's so cliche to write a blog about the first day of school, isn't it? I also realized that, while GS has many categories, it doesn't have one dedicated to school. So this, like many of my other blogs, goes in the "Other" category because it's special like that. :P
The Bus Ride
0600- Woke up to the sound of "愛唄" playing. Cursed the alarm clock and then scampered to get a shower in.
0630- Brushed teeth while humming "Karma," to make sure it's exactly two minutes.
0700- Worried.
0705- And worried some more.
0730- The bus is late. ****.
0745- ****. This really sucks.
0800- Listened to two guys talk about how to get a girl in a miniskirt to sit on their laps.
0830- Half an hour late. Attempted to slip into homeroom. Failed. Epically.
The Classes
Job classes! Who doesn't love them? You can pick from geek, nerd, jock, loser, popular, and many, many more. :D You can also go to various dungeons such as, "Crowded Hallway," "Health Class," and "Cafeteria." Each one provides a large varietes of monsters to fight such as, "Irate Senior," "Annoying Freshman," "Stuck-up Sophomore," and "Jumpin' Juniors," all of which provide "Class Credits." In order to pass to the next level you need to have "x" amount of credits. If you do not collect them within the timespan of a year're screwed. :P Not gonna use fancy language for that.
The Cafeteria
I just realized something. I *have* eaten curry before. Uhh, let me explain. In this anime called, "School Rumble," (I would describe it as a romantic comedy), one of the main characters is addicted to curry. He likes it even more than girls which is really strange (aren't boys supposed to like girls more than food?). :? Anyway, so tonight, I had curry for dinner and I was like, "So I DID have curry before! Oh yeah! 8)" Of course, my family paid me no mind. Like usual.
End of the Worl-er, Day
Cute Guy count for the Day: 7
Evil Girl count for the Day: 2
Sightings of *him*: 0
Times I went off on a tangent: Priceless
Ending Credits
Until next time! I have a test to study for tomorrow! Oh, the joys of being back in school. :P
Easter Egg
Did you notice that I changed my avatar? Now I feel the urge to give it a hug every time I log in. :P