First of all, I'd like to say that lately, I feel like I've been a jerk/mean/rude/insensitive/other to a lot of you guys. And that's mostly because:
1. I'm tired (and in no shape to be online or elsewhere...)
2. See one.
Maybe I'm just been paranoid. Or not. But really, I would feel horrible if I said something bad...and I know I might've, even if it was unintentional. So, I'm sorry.
Summer is gradually fading into fall. I can feel that fall-ish feeling every single morning when I wake up far too early in order to get to school. Does anyone else get this melancholy sort of feeling when the fall time comes around? Or is this just a weird Maryland thing? Maybe it's a weird twilight thing? I have heard (from a "certain game") that with the hour of twilight comes a feeling of sadness, almost like something is missing. And I think that maybe that's what sparked my username. People've asked me that a lot and I've always replied, "I'm not sure," because the truth was, I wasn't sure at all. Now that I'm actually dwelling on that though, I think it was because of that certain moment in that certain game. The plot might have been cliche, the music generic, and the characters sub-par but...that one part got to me somehow.
Weird musings aside, in real life, for REAL, I have been feeling a little melancholy. And not just because of fall either. I's just that beginning of the year slump, I guess. Most of my classes are easy, they just give out a bunch of homework. And does anyone happen to remember that summer English assignment I did in about a week? They gave me a "Certificate of of Excellence" and a free chicken sandwich for my "outstanding" job. To be quite honest, I was shocked. It really wasn't such a great job but I feel that way about everything I write. I guess I should just be happy about my free meal...
I'll talk more about this melancholy later because people've started to complain about my long blogs. :| I just have a lot to say, that's all.
Anyway, to end things up all nice andneat, I'm going to have a Q and A session with yours truly. Rules are as follows:
1. No questions like , "How old are you? Where do you go to school" What's your grade? What are your measurements? How many siblings do you have?" Anything along those lines won't be considered at all. Sorry. I've already covered almost all of that before. I don't want to reiterate stuff over and over and OVER again.
2. Three questions per person.
That's it , I guess. Oh and follow the TOS too. :lol:
Some of you have probably heard this story already. If you have, then skip it. But if you haven't, I assure you, it's good. And if you still want to skip it, that's cool. It won't hurt my feelings.
My French teacher is crazy. I'm crazy for taking her class and doing something entirely new. My homework assignment is crazy. The possibility for mortification is pretty high. Let me explain: in order to study for a quiz, we must call 3 classmates and sing to them. In FRENCH. As if singing on the phone to someone weren't bad enough, I've upped the stakes for embarassment and given my number to the cute new guy who just transferred into my class. *nervous laugh* Maybe that's why I jump whenever the phone rings?