"You're a liar." "You're a racist." "You're a -insert offensive label here-."
What does all of these have in common? In some cases, they may be true. But, have you ever had a person just come out of the blue and call you a deragatory name for no reason at all whatesoever? For example, someone will call you a liar, when your personal hero is Abe Lincoln and you have a track record of honesty in trying situations. So that might've been a stretch. I'm sure all of you can get what I'm trying to say though, right? It hurts to be called those names, especially if they aren't true.
Why am I bringing all of this up, you ask? It's something I see a lot. People are oft to make judgements on someone based on their race, or gender, or even clothing style. And no, for those of you who are shaking your heads at this, it's not just in high school. It's everywhere. Church, work, and the general public. I've done it. You've probably done it. It's a universal thing. And it's just not right. I know it's something that can't be changed overnight, or probably even in the next 20 years. But the least I can do is try. And fail, again and again.
Speaking of the academics, interims came out today. You could feel the oppresive spirit in the air. The bleak, soul-sucking, darkness that is the grading system. Of course, they made you wait until the end of the day to get them. And then they were handed out, one by one by one. As they reached their destination, all hope was lost. Tears were shed. Fists were slammed. I'm glad I packed an extra Ether in my backpack today. That's all I'm going to say about that. I also found the secret of time-traveling through clas. It cost me a high-five, but I think it was worth it. The secret of making the clas go by faster is...to sleep. :lol:
So, now that I'm finished with that tangent, I would like to give a special thanks to AlmightyMax for introducing me to Dan Mangan. Addictive stuff. I'm broke musicwise, but I now own one of his songs. It reminds me just a little bit of the bluegrass I listened to when I was little. Well, the song that I have. I've also gotten an old DCFC album so I can listen to all of their songs whenever I feel, instead of Youtubing them. I cannot believe they actually recorded a song for that stupid vampire movie! :cry: That movie...that movie...it made me feel... ... I feel ashamed. The movie was named after me and it SUCKED; therefore it's giving me a bad rap! *cough*thebookwasnthalfbadthough.thefirstoneimean*cough*
twilight's Ten Second Review of "Twilight"
O0oo0h! This film is named after me! Wait a second, it's a romance? That's good, I guess. Romances are fine. Eww! That guy is ugly! And so is that guy! ...all of these guys are ugly! What good is a romance if there are no cute guys? :cry: And Bella is weird. I don't like her actress. Get out of here.
:cry: I want the two hours of my life I wasted on this movie back.
(DISCLAIMER: This is not an official review of the movie and is therefore not meant to be taken seriously.)
Ha! And how could I possibly forget?! The new Stargate series just came out! Stargate! Stargate! In case you didn't know already, Stargate is a secret passion of mine. So is growing mushrooms, but I try not to advertise. Anyway, it's a new series and one of the main characters is a gamer! :lol: His name is Eli or something and he's super-smart. I'm jealous. I play video games. Why can't I be part of a Stargate team? See, I would make a much better main character than Eli. I'm quirky, I *sparkle*, and I could bring a dash of mystery to the show.
SGU: twilight's*STAR* Role
twilight: Hey guys, 'sup?
twilight: guys?
twilight: GUYS?!?!?
twilight: Oh hello there Ember, how's it going?
twilight: it's going good, twi.
twilight: Don't call me that. :x You're not my friend
twilight: *homerun kicks twilight*
For the longest time, I've thought that people didn't enjoy my (long) blogs. But, after seeing several of the responses on my last (short) blog, I have decided to blog as long as I want from now on! You only live twice, right? :x