It's fun to intentionally not capitalize stuff.
So...I think that summer is going okay so far. Report cards came in the mail a while ago, as a reminder of that place. yuck. I hate to say it, but...I did well. Really well. BETTER THAN LAST YEAR. My A(+) in AP Government was my favorite. I'm really proud of that. Remember how I thought that I was going to fail? Remember?
my gpa is over 9000!
anyways, enough about that.
Let's talk about life because, you know, it's talkaboutlifeSPOT, not gameSPOT. Why use a site for what it's meant to be used for?
I like to use this blog as a life-chart-thing sometimes , so I can cringe when I look at what I wrote in the past. oh boy. It is painful looking at what I used to write. painful.
Team Fortress 2 is free on Steam (according to a text from a friend), so go get it! I know I did...but knowing my internet connection, it will probably take the better part of a month! The download, I mean.
That's what happened with World of Warcraft (aka WOW, which I will now use from now (WOW) on.). By the time I finished all the steps of putting it on my computer (including the appropriately named WTF folder. It is a real folder.), my free trial had run out! So much for making friends! So much for playing WOW!
(it turned out horrible. D: but maybe you can read it vaguely? flnadks)
Hours of Okami logged: 12
Time spent doing dishes: 6 hrs
Former physics cIassmates added on Facebook: 6 and counting
Weeding the garden for a neighbor and having a spider run over your hand: PRICELESS
Accidentially coming into contact with an exposed electrical outlet and recieving a shock: PRICELESS
Throwing a bucket into a field of tall grass instead of the contents of the bucket: ALSO PRICELESS
We decided to paint the basement using the remnants of all the paint from previous houses. If you've ever seen a Bollywood movie (or Pushing Daisies) or any movie with colorful set walls, you will get a vague idea of what it looks like. My mom likes our houses to be colorful. That's fine, I guess. I just don't like being covered in paint. I still have paint in my hair and on my legs and on my arms. don't ask.
oh, and I'm headed back to Quebec again (again!) in less than a week, for unspecified reasons.
(it's for Hermits United. Occurs about every ten years or so. Talk about caves and the like. It's good fun. For a hermit.)
I've found a new (or rather, old) way of dealing with my family- serenity now. Serenity now. (and I don't have to worry about insanity later because I'm already sort of a crazy person. :P)
mprezzy talked about candy (and other things too! but if I did a summary, it would take too long) in one of his recent blogs and that reminded me of Willy Wonka! Did you guys ever watch that movie (either the Johnny Depp one or the old one)? I like both, actually. The new one is more accurate and the older one has so much nostalgia.
anyways, I've gone on for too long and stuff. It might be a while until I update this thing, so that's all for now.