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Thoughts on the starting of my classes

Busy, busy , busy, there's no other word for it... My classes have started and whew! I really wish I could drop history. The books (for lack of a more intelligent term) sucks. It's biased and full of useless info. Give me a picture book any day!

Ahem. On the other side, I just got myself a (used) PS2! It's great, but annoying since I can never play it without an audience. Get this straight: I'm not a people person. I like to be left alone when I game. In fact, that's one of the few times I have alone. But enough whining. Except for about not being able to find a cheap copy of FFVII.

I am not going to spend fifty dollars on something that should be twenty. No matter how good everyone says it is. I made that mistake with Zelda and I am not doing that again. I have a certain amount of money to spend on games and 50 dollars is too much. I'm just going to have to learn Japanese...
