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Time for some FIRST impressions! :D

*sigh* So I guess it's time for some 1st IMPRESSIONS!!!






As the clever observer may have realized, I added ICO to my now-playing list and my owned list. Now, this could all be part of an elaborate hoax (if you know me, that would come as NO suprise...:P) but it's serious. I really do have a copy and I've started into it. Can't say much about it, I mean I've made *some* predictions but other than that...nothing really. It's very beautiful though and the shadow creature things are scary. My neighbors have already been subjected to: "NO! NO! Don't take her away! I'll rip off your little blue light and toss it into the abyss," "Game Over, WTF?!" , "Stupid torch thingy, LIGHT UP!", "Oh no! It's a shadow! RUN AWAY PRINCESS! RUN AWAY!", and some other stuff that I won't repeat , mostly because my dad and brother said them. -_- It had to do with, "Oh ha , ha, ha, it's SO typical of a girl to not be able and do anything."

Me: "What did you just say?!"

So yeah. You can probably tell I'm having the time of my life playing that game and to tell you all the truth, I am. :) All these Team Nico games are always a lot of fun.

Anyway...onto something a bit more serious. Usually, I don't like to talk about my pets much. No real reason, other than, most of the stuff having to do with my pets is downright insane...meaning not fun to talk about. So here goes nothing...

A long time ago I had a friend. My friend had a dog. The dog had a name. It was Hope (name changed). Hope was a cute, little , fluffly puppy with a lot of life. Times changed. My friend moved away and didn't take her dog. Dog was left with her parents. Through a chain of events, the parents found themselves unable to take care of said dog (meaning, they had to move). So I volunteered my family into taking care of it.

We brought the puppy home. She was a hyper, stupid, lovable mutt but a bit on the older side. Hope'd run around in our back yard, terrorize the kitty, and whine in her crate. At first, my dad made a strict law to keep the dog in the crate BUT we got her in the winter time and it was cold so...his heart melted and the doggy wormed its way into our house (and hearts).

Cut to a few months later. We leave town and leave Hope with some friends. When we get back, we're greeted with , "Your dog didn't eat the whole weekend..." So , of course, we take her to the vet. Vet's diagnosis: She has Lyme disease and may (or may not) qualify for this rare disease that could kill her in a few days." Thankfully, she didn't have that but she was still sick.

Cue the pills and walks every two hours. Things went further downhill when we discovered that she had tapeworms. (!!!) Our whole family was just incredibly stressed out by the whole thing parents got rid of her. I was apathetic and my siblings didn't have a choice in the matter. Animal Control came and took her away to be adopted.

Or so I thought, until yesturday morning. I took my little brother for a run and suddenly he stopped and got upset. Of course, I asked him what was wrong. He told me, "They put the dog to sleep. They said she was unadoptable..." My first reaction was: You're lying. And then he started crying (he cries a lot). He yelled at me, "I didn't even get to say goodbye! Why did you all want to get rid of her!?" *sigh* I was sort of upset too... ... ...more than I care to admit...I guess. :(

Goodbye , you idiot. We loved you. Even though you weren't, "Loyal Canine, How We Salute Thee!" you were okay for a stupid mutt. Yeah. So I admit it even though I'm a cat person. Hope that Heaven's full of dog bones...
