-It's sort of early in the night but it feels really late for some reason.
-I finished reading "We" today. It was declared as, "Better than Brave New Worldand 1984." It was okay. Honestly, it was tons more exciting that Grapes of Wrath(which, coincidentally,has the same abbreviation as God of War: GoW) but nothing too special. In a word: really odd. It might make a good movie...
-My new favorite thing/obsession is Dr. Horrible and his Sing-Along Blog. See, being sick is good for something. That was probably the only decent thing I watched besides THIS(don't judge :P). So, if you find yourself with an extra hour to spare, look it up and watch it. I'm sure you guys will ♥ it. Maybe.
-Spring break is almost over for me. What did I accomplish? Nothing because I'm a loser.
-After being kicked to death by a pair of school-girl legs, I've decided to put Fragile on hold for a while.
-The "R" button on my DS broke this morning. I blame it on Rune Factory and my stop/run actions.
-Random fact: There are more chickens than people in the world.
-Last night, I was playing Drawn to Life and I realized that they ripped off Indiana Jones. There's a character in-game called "Indee." He has a father (what's-his-face from the one with the Templar) and a SON (at first I was like, "Well, maybe...they're making up a son? But then I remembered....:/). But maybe I was just half-asleep.
-My lines are all down. Still nervous about it though. Anyway, I'm replaceable if things don't work out so no big deal.
-It's on the 22nd, which I think is odd. I thought it'd be on a Friday.
-I had a dream the other night that I got kicked out of the play. It was really scary.
-I've been semi-recording my dreams after I heard Aidan going on about it. Mostly I dream about sleeping forever but sometimes I have these quasi-realistic dreams that are either good or really terrifying. I vaguely remember a few scenes right out of Resident Evil in one but that's about it.
-Did I mention that I'm leaving Gamespot for (maybe) forever? This might seem a bit anti-climatic after all the times I've said this but I'm for real this time. Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore." Anyway, it'll be a good time for me to practice all of my follow-through skills.
-It's just something I had to do.
-Also, someone in my life makes fun of my gaming habits and being on the boards and stuff.
-Maybe I'm trying to prove something.
-See you guys later.
NOTE: All hate mail, secret love letters, horrible schemes, and general inquiries can be made to theflowergrrl@hotmail.com. Thank you and good evening to all.