I know I just wrote something the other day but. whatever.
Things are about to get busy and I'm sort of getting the feeling I won't be around here on gAMEsPOT for a while. Which is probably a good thing. Maybe. I don't know.
Part One
-I got asked to prom the other day. As a backup. But still. Weird, huh?
-We're watching Can't Buy Me Love in psych. Because that's what we do in AP cIasses. We watch movies.
-speaking of television and stuff, West Wing. In gov, we have this phrase "winging it" which means watch the West Wing. :lol: The show's not bad, actually. I sort of like it.
-my brother looks like the character Micheal Cera plays in Arrested Development. D: Not so much his face as his hair and dress style but still. akfdlj
-Arrested Development. Is it bad to watch 13 episodes in one weekend? probably. probably.
Part Two
-Most stage managers follow this set pattern in the week before the play: "You guys are too loud backstage, too quiet on stage, you don't have your lines memorized, etc." It's nice to know that some things are constant.
-During this one point in the musical, these guys are supposed to sing this song called Agony. For everyone who did not click the link, it's basically a song about teen angst. "I can't get the girl, I don't know why she ignores me, sing sing sing sing." I think it's hilarious , but they seem to take it seriously. I really don't know why. The song itself is just...
-I set up an entire forest around the auditorium the other day. :x I hate trees that are painted on canvas. :x
-This show is ridiculously huge. :x
-Also, smoke machines.
-Also, a tower.
-Also, flats.
-My stage manager seems to have something against me. I hope it's just my imagination.
-I don't know if I'll do drama anymore. Stay tuned for more details.
-one last note, I won an award for drama at my old school. :cry:
Part Three
-I finally got my XBOX CABLES. Isn't that great? M. , the guy who was giving them to me, was like, "Oh hey, I got these cables in my locker" at the beginning of the week but, due to various reasons, I didn't get them until Friday, when he ran into me in the library. Yeah. Cool stuff right there.
-But I was happy. Isn't that so nice? Who does that?
-World of Warcraft. It's going to happen. Soon. Stay tuned for details. :P
-Also, I am really stupid. I say this a lot, but this time it is justified. I thought an error message from Steam was "a joke" (J. was like, "haha, how are you going to send a help message to them? 'Hey steam, I thought your message was a joke.'") , and I unselected my hard drive as a save data thing for Prince of Persia and lost an hour or two of progress because I couldn't figure out why I couldn't save. Only me, only me.
-Okami still remains amazing and awesome and I love it and would play it right now and this is sounding sort of fangirl-ish.
Part Four
Until next time, I think that's all.
Nice source of catharsis, writing this. :P
Maybe next time I'll have something real to write about.