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Traveling Through Time

Wow! Check it out! I've actually figured out how to travel through time with out (many) negative side effects. What's that you say? I'm *lying*?

...fine. :x I've actually started on Chrono Trigger. Yep. This is my very first time playing the game. And I gotta say it's up there with Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VII on most hyped about game ever. :roll: I'm sorry. I know many of you love and treasure this game BUT I got it ruined for me by all these people say, "Wow , this game is a PIECE OF ART." "I would marry it if it were real. ^_^" "It's the most awesome thing in the universe!" "Play it! You won't regret the decision." "Best. Game. Ever." "A must play." "Don't miss a chance to play..." You know what I mean. :x And I'm not blaming anyone who said those things. Maybe what I'm trying to say is that all of that stuff annoys me. A lot. A WHOLE lot. And that brings me to the topic of fanboys/fangirls. ( I used to be one...but I've *mostly* been broken of it. Let me know if it's coming back. ;) )


You know who you are. You're the ones who spend hours arguing over which girl Cloud chose. The ones who won't let anyone say ANY that sounds bad about your favorite anime/manga/tv show/movie/book/game/character...I could go on and on. It's okay to like something. Hey, it's even okay to be a little obsessed with it. But, when you take a simple like and blow it out of proportion, that's when it starts to get annoying. My message to all of you out there: Nothing's perfect. Nothing will ever be perfect. So if someone says a little something bad about your favorite thing DO NOT blow it out of proportion and start flaming them. Please. And thank you. Benefit of the doubt FTW, okay? :P

But back to Chrono Trigger. If you cut past the hype, you're left with a very solid RPG that has some interesting elements. Like time-travel. One thing that I've found myself enjoying about the game, is that it's not mind-numbingly hard like certain other games I could mention. The protagonist is fairly likable, the inventor girl is insufferable, and the other characters...well, I don't think I've seen them in action enough to form a real opinion on them. So far, a real bad guy hasn't arisen yet but when he does, I betcha a penny to a pound that he's either trying to take over the world or trying to destroy it and mold it to fit what he wants. :P That's pretty much every bad guy to date. And I almost forgot to mention the music! So far, I haven't found anything I've really remembered but I do like "Gato's Song" and "Boss Battle 1." That's about it for my first impressions! I'll be sure to update everyone as I play further and do more stuff. *sparkle*

I just realized that I had written a blog for a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK. (sorry about all the CAPS by the way...I'm sort of tired and it looks like it's making a point to me!) Summer is busier than I thought it would be.
