Hello everyone! I feel like I haven't *really* talked to anyone around these parts lately, so how are you all doing?
Me, well, I'm up to no good, as always. I chose the wrong dialogue branch in English today, sending me down the path of destruction. My teacher's name is mashed together with the Terminator's for a reason (students refer to her as the -blank-inator. No joke.). Me, well, I just don't think it's reasonable to force students to buy a thirty dollar book. If it were a textbook for college, that's a different story. But this is high school and the book is for a test that, quite honestly, I'm going to ace. Full confidence right there. /endrant
The cIass is amusing though:
"There must be gremlins in her computer."
"A man who wanders in the darkness is lost; eventually he will stumble over something on the path."
"Are you trying to school the teacher on grammar? (after a semi-colon/colon debate)"
I also spend most of the cIass avoiding eye contact with the guy who sits across from me. It's pretty intense. He's nice though- every time I run into him, he's like: "Wow, she's so smart! (or stuff like that- always really nice)"
Anyway, today in chemistry, it was decided that my lab group needs to be split up because we're aliens that communicate without speaking. The girl who sits in front of me said, point-blank, "I want one of them. I will trade my lab partner. No offense." Her lab partner freaks out.
On another subject entirely, I've been playing me some Phoenix Wright. :P It's kind of like an interactive story, but all the characters are so weird. :lol: I've made it to the fourth case, due to long bus rides and stuff. Fun fact: I didn't know that you could use buttons instead of the microphone for the first case or two...haha.
My friend and I have this running joke about Mass Effect (which he lent me...4 months ago, about)- mostly because I haven't really even played it yet. oh videogames.
Valentine's Day is coming up AND on announcements every morning without fail, they say, "Are you alone? Feel like you will never find anyone to be with? Fill out a survey and find a person to be your valentine." It's something like that. I think the only thing that I can expect for then is a calculus quiz. Happy Valentine's Day, indeed.
I keep getting this uncomfortable feeling I'm going to be a politician one day.
Whenever I feel sad, which has been happening a lot lately, oddly enough, I watch Disney songs in tons of different languages. It works.
I went to see Beauty and the Beast in the movie theaters because...I really like that movie. I mean, say what you like about Disney princesses giving little girls the wrong idea about life or Stockholm Syndrome or whatever, but it's a really beautiful movie. I watched those movies quite a bit when I was little and I think I've turned out sort of okay so far. And I really like Belle. She likes reading and everyone thinks she's weird...I could identify with that when I was little. The prince, not so much. And I love that dance scene. I always thought school dances would be like that but HA. why do a classy dance when people can awkwardly flail across a dark room instead? makes sense to me.
And we are reading THE GREAT GATSBY in other English. It's a lot better than the first time I read it. More on that later.
I guess that's enough silly rambling from me for the time being. good grief.