...and all through twilightlullaby's room, not a creature was stirring.
Not even that bowl of curry that's been sitting there for over 12 hours.
Halloween is over. It's a little bit sad because I didn't much. I mean, I got a pumpkin, a ton of candy, and dressed up (for the entire week!). I just feel like I should've done something more. Last week I had a lot of testing though and wasn't really in the mood for a whole lot. :? I'm still not. Oh well. That's life. :P
I think that "Drift" is related to one of my friends...
Last night was great though. ^-^I went trick-or-treating, even though according to half thehouses I went to I was "too old.":xOf course,not only did I collect a ton of candy, I also gotabout 50 cans to donate to our school'sfood drive.Why? Just because. It's more fun to collect food in the dark of night with a full moon overhead.:P And I dunno.Thefood pantries where I live are really running out offood.Ditto for the soup kitchen and their volunteers.It really makes me feel sort of sad when I'm eating curry and other people don't have anything to eat.I really hope they like eating beans and fruit cocktail...
So. Other than that, life's been going okay.A little stressful , what with Thanksgiving coming up (RELATIVES) and then the Christmas (:() season after that.I'malso working on a science fair project (which is required...) and I hate it somuch. I can't even pretend to muster enthusiasim, that's how bad it is.
In case I haven't told all of you already, I made a friend at school. :DWe'reboth misfits together. Or socialoutcasts,if you prefer. 'Cos...I'm not the most loved person in the entire school. :? And it's not my fault, I swear. It's not like I go out of my way to tick people off or constantly harass them. I'm just different. And, as evidenced in history, many great novels, the news, and video games, if you're different...people don't like you. Okay, so I talk about being different a lot. And that must get irritating. So...I'll stop, I guess.
Gaming. Yes. Let's talk about that now. So lately, I haven't played tons.
Tales of the Abyss- It's really sad. I've barely made any progress since the school year started. However, I did get a chance to test out a multiplayer battle the other day. It took forever to set up even with the instruction manual. And battling with two people was very fun...but I'm NEVER playing as Natalia again. NEVER. :x We ended up dying and seeing the "Game Over" screen. "And they were never heard from again..." :lol:
That's really about it. I played some Katamari last night but it doesn't count.