Wow. I'm a level 15. I have lots of studying to still do. XD (jk, jk, I'm actually done! :O) And most importantly , because video games are the most important thing in life (XD) , I beat SotC. So let's start with the good stuff.:P
A couple of posts back, I wrote about getting the game, Shadow of the Colossus, an action adventure game created by Team Nico. And now that I've finally murdered the final boss, I can give my final impressions on the game.
WARNING: If you haven't beaten the game or might have any interest in doing so...stay away. :x I don't want to be responsible for spoiling the game for you.:)
The tale of a boy , his horse, and a quest to revive his one true love. What price must our young protagonist pay? Enough with the cheesy opening that I've beaten the game, I feel like I can at least touch upon my likes (and dislikes...:x) of probably one of the best (if not the best!) PS2 games out there. :P
Let's start with the bad so all of you will have something to look forward too! :lol: I didn't really see any major flaws with this game. The plot was very minimalistic but it made the game feel eerie and a bit creepy, not knowing what was going to happen next. And the sound was amazing! There was no bombastic overworld theme (ie, like the Zelda/FF games) but it gave one the feeling of being completely and utterly alone. Oh wait, I'm starting to get into the things I like. :P The only thing I really didn't like about the game was its effing camera. During the earlier stages, I could at least laugh it off but later on (especially at the final boss) I felt like I was waging a full-scale attack against the thing. :x That thing was responsible for my TEN game overs...grr. And no, it wasn't because I was trying to do cinematic effects. I learned my lesson.
Enough moaning and complaining, now let's talk about the stuff that I liked about this game. :D As I mentioned above, I enjoyed the plot and the music. The gameplay was simplistic as well but that doesn't mean it sucked. Far from it. It just made the game even better because you don't have to freak out about learning this complex button-mashing combos. ^_^ Such a nice change. There aren't too many characters to talk about besides Wander (main hero), Dormin (a mysterious entity), Argo (your horse), and Mono (the girl you're trying to save). The others who appear later on don't matter so much because they're...bad. :evil: I didn't like them ONE BIT. I don't really care what their motives were, they spoiled my happy ending. :cry: So yeah...that's about it for stuff I liked. I'm probably forgetting something though. :lol:
Overall, I would recommend this game to all of you. Yes, even you, the one who's giving me this , "Uh-huh, suuuure." look. It left me with the strong desire to get a copy of ICO. :x Which I STILL can't find for a *decent* price.
That's it for now! Coming up next, my crazy summer plans! :P Just wait and see! :D
Extra Note: And I almost forgot, last final is tomorrow. Wish me luck! :)