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ahh summer.

things have been going very well, so I thought I'd sit down and write about it all.

I'm off to the beach tomorrow (again!) because I love the beach. My mom has friends who are basically like family, and they told her to "come down anytime." so that's going to be cool. I guess it's kind of weird, but I really love the water. I miss my old beach sometimes. A lot of the time.

earlier this week, I was hanging out in Quebec doing various things. I caught part of the summer festival, and the (free) concerts that I watched parts of were pretty cool. Dan Mangan (!) was playing...the day after we left. He's one of those guys I think would be really cool to see live. It was kind of funny because the night of his show, I played one of his CDs and pretended I was there. :lol: I'm kind of a dork, I know.

It's nice to be feeling happy and stuff. It makes me laugh now, but I spent a lot of summers kind of angry or upset. Reading my old journals (of which there are quite a few) is hilarious and also kind of sad. A lot of things I thought were important really aren't now. I guess that sounds stupid! My priorities are kind of shifting in general, but that's a later point.

AP scores arrived in the mail yesterday, so Facebook lit up with the thousand "I did so well on the exams" status updates. Usually the people who get fives are the ones who talk about it. I mean, gosh, I wasn't bragging about my one in calculus. I should have! but the moment has passed. everyone in my AP chem cIass had their score delayed (it's a good story!). I suppose some people really care about it, but the "*93- Your score has been delayed and will arrive as soon as possible" just made me laugh.

I always feel that because I'm so young in comparison to most of the people I get along with on this site, talking about problems and stuff feels silly. That was a problem for me, in the beginning, because I always had the experience of people not wanting to be my friend anymore because I'd say "oh yeah I'm thirteen and you're sixteen." this was mostly a real-life thing though. I guess if people were that shallow, I wouldn't want to be friends with them anyway. Of course, I didn't realize that at the time. but I'm just babbling.

they, meaning the elephants in charge, already set a date for graduation, 'cuz, you know, I'm graduating next year. the thought makes me feel a little creeped out, but I have ten months! that's plenty of time to hatch some kind of devious plot or something. I mean, I'm going to be a morning announcement person (or so I've heard). on video. "ten o'clock with twilight." I'll keep you all updated on that.

in news of gaming, I beat Okami (only took me a year!) and...that's it. My goal of beating no games will have to wait until next year.

hope you all are having lovely summers! later!