So guys, girls, cylons, necromorphs, and basically everyone else out there...I made this thing that's commonly known as "video blog."
A lot of other people have shown their lovely faces before via video blog, so I was like "lol, can't be too bad, talking to a camera for an amount of time."
I'm not going to lie, it's pretty bad, in more than one way. 9:43 is the running time, I think. If you break that down mathematically, that's about a little over three minutes per one year on Gamespot, which is really not that bad. So just think of it that way, I guess.
I don't really care for my voice (it is so annoying. oh my gosh.) or appearance or anything. But you guys know that already! :P So I won't elaborate.
(I also feel like I come off as really dumb in this video. sorry about that. I was sort of tired.)
I know I say this in the description but please do not share the link. I'm going to take it down within a week anyways (probably) but seriously. It is unlisted for a reason.
(sorry guys. I just couldn't deal with it. I'm too much of a freak. OTL but the link is out there. somewhere.)
SIDE NOTE: There is a guy in my science cIass who got a hair cut and now he looks like Mr. Jenkins. It's really weird. I only mention this because the resemblance is just really eerie.
Elite! Beat! Agents! It's...:P The only bad thing is that it makes me want to dance. Or wear a suit.
Okami continues to be a-m-a-z-i-n-g. c:
And I am almost done with season one of Arrested Development. Some of the stuff Gob says reminds me of stuff my brother would say like, "If you give someone permission to use a tissue, you can't be upset if they blow their nose." :roll:
My psychology teacher tried to convince the guys in our cIass that the Notebook was a very "manly" movie written by a "manly" man. I don't know how you guys feel about that movie , but I didn't care for it. :x That's a story for later though.
I'm off to do some physics. 8)
best excuse for everything. "Hey look at my wrist it's time to go (no punctuation!)," also works. Well it works for me.
summer is coming soon. YEAH SUMMER. I'm going to go out of the country (again!) and stuff, but that's a story for another time.
well, this blog was pretty poorly put together. Sorry about that.
see you all around next time I decide to write one of these things.
edit: here is the video. please don't hate it too much. D: