*shiver, shiver* I returned from my "vacation." It was okay, although I never really saw the beach. I did see the hell sands of Delaware and a beer tree but that's not the point. The point is that now, I'm scared. Really scared.
WARNING: The following may contain minor spoilers for: The Matrix, FFVII, any Zelda game, and my life. You have been warned.
LAST WARNING!!! !!!! !!!!
TURN BACK NOW!!! !!! !!!
Okay, so I'm starting after this line: any of you who may have any interest in doing the above mentions movie/games, get out of here! I don't want to be held responsible for anyone getting the plot spoiled.
(gawrsh, I need to insert a picture in this big blank spaces...hmm)
So now I'm going to start this tale of madness. It's really funny how these things happen to me. Okay. So this Friday, before I left obviously, my friend and I were talking about writing. Somehow we got on the topic of sci-fi movies and then the Matrix. -_- Thinking on this, I should have never even asked. But I was curious. It turned out that a couple of them were analyzing the Matrix and its various themes. So I was like, "It sounds interesting." Big mistake. I heard the plot of, "computers have taken over the world and are using humans as energy sources." I thought that was pretty cool UNTIL she started talking about this one scene where the computers take a dead body...:?. Okay, never mind. If you want to know, watch the stupid thing. :x I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, later I had to call a friend about something else. And guess what? We got stuck on the topic of the Matrix too. And SHE felt like she had to describe the scene in detail as well. -_- @##$$%%^!, I might as well talk about it a little bit. It involves cannibalism. And steak. And cheesecake. Now I'm really going to stop. If your curiosity is driving you crazy, I will answer any PMs, smoke signals, or emails. :P
Enough about that. I'm starting to get queasy. See, this happened in FFVII too with Sephiroth. It was in the Shinra building...when he went after the President. -_- Tonight seems to be dedicated to the stuff that makes me sick. Bleh. Please excuse me while I go and throw up.
And I forgot to mention one more thing: ever since my friends described that to me, I've been having nightmares about that scene. Did I happen to mention that curiosity got the better of me and I looked it up on YouTube? Yeah. I'm pretty stupid like that. This is really weird that all of this is happening to me because usually I can handle this sort of stuff. Not this time though. :P I'm doomed...
---twilightlullaby, slightly sick, very gloomy