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Whales and Hamsters

So I've been listening to tons of Noah and the Whale lately. Not really sure why. I would say check them out, but I don't know how I feel about them yet. On one hand, the lead singer is kind of cute. On the other hand, feet are probably more useful.

Midterms went alright. I'm kind of tired of dwelling on them because they don't decide my fate (not yet), but I did well. Calculus was the one exception, and I just made so many stupid mistakes. I guess I could retake it…but I don't know. My grade in cIass has been going up though.

Guidance counselors are also getting on everyone's case about cIasses for next year since, you know, I'm going to be a senior and all that. Look at that, just casually dropping my age in a blog. I guess I really am starting to grow up. It makes me feel a little bit sick.

I have also decided to find a place at lunch where no one will find me. Ever. This guy (let's call him Jim) that I know from various social circles (read: we are not friends) tried to hang out with me this week (and weekend- "Hey twilight, we should party this weekend." I was like, "I don't party."). It just bothers me. I'm sure he's a nice guy for someone out there…but I just don't really feel interested in anyone right now. And I'm pretty sure he's interested in me. I would make up some sort of probability, like Fi, but you know. He messaged me his number, and now the ball is in my court.

Then I somehow met a new student after assembly the other day, and he walked me to my cIass (more like followed or stalked). Of course I would meet the transfer student. He seems okay, I guess, but I don't know.

I guess the hamsters that I glue to my shirt every day and the blue face paint really work after all. Probably should cut back after all this.

We've been playing hockey during gym (of the floor variety) and it is great. It's so violent! :D And I'm not half-bad. :lol: I think.

This is kind of a jump back, but I received an A for one of my midterm essays. That's not the big deal. The big deal is that I used both Persona 4 and a Skyward Sword as examples… I was thinking that I'd get failed for something like that, but no! :lol: The teacher grading them just checked them off like the rest of the things. Personal victory!

Speaking of Skyward Sword, I've gotten to the ending bosses and that means that I will probably not beat the game until next year. True story.

I've also kind of started to watch ADVENTURE TIME. It's pretty weird. I don't know why I haven't watched it much before. I mean, come on, what is more romantic that being serenaded by a pink prince (voiced by Neil Patrick Harris) on a giant unicorn while fighting off THEM from Romani Ranch? Not much.

(not that the series is particularly romantic- just one of the episodes I watched. And it wasn't really more romantic. Kind of disturbing, if you think about it, which I did.)

(I like how they sing a lot too. Singing is sometimes nice.)

I saw Tangled the other day, and it was alright. I loved the scene with the lanterns. For some reason, it is a lot better in Japanese. Seriously.

Because it's tomorrow, I guess I should wish Aiden a happy birthday. Because we're friends and all and I'll probably forget about it otherwise. :P

(speaking of tomorrow, I have an SAT prep for about 4 1/2 hours. SO COOL.)

man, this ended up being kind of long. gross. :x