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What, as they say, is up? Or down? Or...sideways?

Hey. Not being on GS, and I mean being active, has been slowly killing me lately. I feel like part of me is missing. :cry: I guess that's why it's sort of an addiction, being part of the site and all that. I don't know. That sounds sort of strange.

So, I was worried about you guys. :P And I thought that I might actually *SAY* something about how life's been going , instead of leaving some cryptic message. Don't take this as a "Dude, I'm so back" blog though. :| I have no time to be active. Sure, I'll log into check messages and such...but aside from that, it's real shifty.

Anyway. Life's been going okay. I feel a little bit sad though because...umm, well, not that I'm trying to worry you guys or anything see...I was sort of...rejected the other day. Yeah. And I haven't been able to tell any of my real life friends because most of them know the guy. See, I don't want there to be any serious reprocussions. I'm a big kid. I can handle this. I think., actually I'm not so sure.

School's been going well lately. My grades are high enough for me to be some sort of "scholar." And I got a leadership award the other day. :roll: Let me tell you, I didn't hear the end of it from *some* people. *shudder* On another school-related thing, I've been *enlisted* in all of these art (after-school) activites. Heh. Maybe some creativity will rub off on me?

Relationships next! You all know that this is the part you've been waiting for. 8) To my suprise, I find myself getting along with a fair amount of the student body. Of course, people steal my homework a lot too but that's just universal stuff. I've made a few good friends, but I'm still sort of afraid to trust them. Besides, I feel like a bit of an outsider in their group anyway. It's sort of this feeling, "If you didn't know me, would you even care?" Okay, so this is getting a little more adksf;ljk then I'd like it. Needless to say, they're a good lot. I just feel like I don't deserve such nice people. That's it.

And since, I can't ever praise you guys enough, I'd like to include a few shout-outs to some of my friends here, on GS. I know, I know, I KNOW, it's cliche and totally over-used. But, I've found that it's really important to show your friends that you care. And I do. I really do.

Courtney- My best friend here. Probably. Yeah. Almost like my sister. Thank you so much for listening to all of my ramblings the other day. You have no idea how much that helped. You're the nicest person ever! :P No really. :)

Max- Some of the best conversations via Messenger. Ever.

Aidan- :x I gotta say, I can't believe that we're friends. But, I guess it's nice. You're probably the only guy friend I have who I really trust. And that's saying something.

mprezzy- Thank you. That's all I'm going to say.

pspitus- The one person who makes me laugh, for realz (:lol: ), whenever I talk to him. You always have so many interesting stories to tell. And your imagination rivals my own. :x Dang senior citzen.

stalpno (or Ben?)- :)

The only thing I hate about all of these is that someone always ends up getting their feelings hurt. So I LOVE YOU ALL! Eat lots of fruitcake , okay? :lol:
