(to be honest, the song wasn't my fav. the chorus is catchy though! too catchy.)
I was kind of late to catching onto the news that Pottermore was open to the general public (too lazy for trying to catch the beta invites, please) because that's how I roll.
This is kind of a ramble-y sort of blog- I honestly think it would have worked better as a video, but alas! I washed my hair in the morning (as opposed to the night) and people liked it, so that quickly became a limiting factor. Also I couldn't find the communal camera.
Anyway, Pottermore. The name makes me cringe just a little bit, as well as the mandatory username policy. yuck. It's like my username is for a seven-year old girl which I guess is maybe appropriate considering that I sound like one.
I didn't really get anywhere yesterday, 'cuz I had my working face on, but I reached a couple of important milestones today.
(by a couple I mean two. but still. I was really excited about it.)
Choosing a wand!
I had to buy all my school supplies first- my animal is a black cat. So cute. :3
The quiz for wand-choosing is kind of random. I couldn't remember my eye color (in sixth grade my teacher made fun of me for not knowing), and I wasn't sure about my height- aside from that, it was okay.
I was a little disappointed by the results (everyone wants the special wand! , but I think that it suits me, overall.
also it cost like...20 galleons. my conversions (knuts to sickles, sickles to galleons and all that) for wizarding money still suck, so I'll get back to you on that later.
The Sorting Hat!
This was what I was really excited about. I always wondered what house I would be placed in, but I never trusted the seven million online quizzes that are out there. My best guess was Ravenclaw because I liked studying and stuff. Also, Luna Lovegood is pretty cool. I wish I had radish earrings like her.
but you know, I just felt sort of uncertain about where I belonged.
It's going to sound extremely nerdy when I say this...but I was freaking out when I was taking the Sorting Hat quiz (everything important seems to be determined by a quiz; however I have made little to no progress overall SO this is subject to change maybe). My stomach was doing these weird little flips and I was really nervous. Where did I belong? Would I be...a Hufflepuff (jk, they're not half-bad)?
I finished the quiz and...well, I ended up as...
haha! I was pretty psyched about it. I still am.
I've seen a couple of people I know complaining about their results ("I'm a Gryffindor, this sucks," is just one example), but I think that you should just stay with where you were put, you know? Distribution among the Houses is pretty even, for the most part, and making a new account, to me, seems a little...I dunno.
But that's just me.
anyway, I'm sure talking about this is pretty boring, so I'll be quiet. :lol: One last thing, though, if anyone is on the site, hit me up with a friend request! I'm LumosMoonstone25890 (pretty awesome, I know) and yeeah.
aside from all that excitement, my life has been pretty normal-ish lately. I helped out with a clothing drive on Friday, which was really fun. My job, or what I ended up doing the most, was organizing all of the shoes. It's so weird to see how many nice things people just give away! This one person donated two pairs of shoes in the same size in the same style. This other pair of shoes was pretty much brand new! The lady in charge said we could take anything we'd like, since it was like a swap and share type deal, so I ended up with a nice skirt that my mom wants to steal.
my counselor sat me down today to have a nice talk about colleges and college planning and transcripts- yikes. My cIass rank is kind of lame-ish, but I'm in the top twenty percent. not that it really matters or anything.
My friend who bought me a chicken sandwich from a couple of blogs ago is having (rather her brother is planning) a surprise party on Saturday- and I have no idea what to get her! I'm thinking hand soap (literal hands (of soap)- my mom has some that a friend gave her) or something creepy like that...but I'm the worst with birthdays. any ideas? or not?
I'm kind of starting to embrace the weird character that I am. I guess that sounds like a stupid thing to say, but it's something that I've always struggled with (ending sentences with prepositions is another). But it's only a kind of sort of thing- nothing really "oh I am happy with who I am." because I still think I suck. that's not an attention grab- just how I feel, for real.
Honesty is not something I do a lot in real life, at least not about myself. Subjects in school, yeah, but not me. no wayy.
and that is the end of the minor emotional segment. It's been real, folks.
so many sentences beginning with "I"! yuck! the weather's been lovely today.
also, comment response is kind of hit-or-miss. sorry about that. I just feel like most of my replies end up being loser-ish. So I scrap them.
I really just wanted to be excited about Pottermore.
off to intergrate some three-dimensional figures~ later!
(I've also been leveling up my party in Final Fantasy III. that fire dragon. gets me every time.)
(what a text block. how are you all doing?)