Well, it's almost the end of the first day of the new year. (New Year?) New decade. I'm not sure what I think about this.
So! I was happy to see my extended family again. Between stealing oranges (which turned out to taste like a mixture of "Lysol, vinegar, and ???"), listening to 80s music (j;akfdsl), and the "flower farm," it was just...well...
My grandparents want us to move down there. I wouldn't mind, honestly. Okay, so there's a fairly high crime rate , but the weather is nice and it's probably better than "a place that people don't even know exists." Really.
Going to see the Grand Canyon (AGAIN!) was also pretty cool.
I guess you could say Christmas went alright. We did one of those "white elephant" gift exchanges. Go and google it.
Most of it was money, so I went out and bought a lot of stuff (on sale). Paying full-price is really overrated. Saving money, for me, is half the fun of buying something. ...aaand that probably didn't make sense.
I got a bunch of new clothing (because you can *never* have too many clothes :roll: ), some shoes, makeup (which I will probably never use), games...boooks...and then I have a pile of cookies (no joke) from my various friends. Looking at it makes me feel mildly nauseated.
Let's talk about movies. The holidays are a great time for watching movies.
I watched Back to the Futureabout 20 times over the holidays. Well, a lot. It was on TV all the time and then I have a videocassette (what in the world are those, twilight?!) so... "You are my density." :lol: Much to my surprise, my cousin had never seen it! How can you watch Ferris Bueller and not watch Back to the Future? I don't get it.
Then there was Harry Potter: afkdsjf;lkjdfakedsl Part One. I didn't grow up with it 'cos my parents were *those* parents, if you get what I mean. But I read them...in middle school. The last book was the weakest, IMO. I've only seen one of the movies... BUT ANYWAY. It was good. Of course...towards the end...this happened:
(if you have not read the books/seen the movie, major spoiler. Seriously)
[spoiler] My brother and I were in tears during Dobby's funeral. See, if I were a HP character, I would be a Death Eater, I think, because I don't think House Elves are people. :x Well, just Dobby. He annoyed the hell out of me. :lol: But anyway, we were laughing during that part. Yeah, I'm evil. Go ahead and write me hate letters. [/spoiler]
My cousin was horrified afterwards, as were my aunt and uncle.
Then last night I watched (500) Days of Summer. That was depressing. I mean, yeah, a lot of it made me smile/feel awkward (I'm stalking- starving. I'm starving.), but...:cry: I did see the twist coming (if it was a twist?). The music was great (I can't get it out of my head). The main characters were cute. I don't know what else to say.
I guess that's it. I think I watched some random romantic comedy. Maybe.
Wow, this is turning out to be a text wall.
Yet more talking that turns into a New Year's Reflection
(some text was here earlier, if you managed to read it, whatever. I didn't feel like it added anything , so I deleted it.)
Hey, I'm not a social person, anyway. We don't need to talk about my various failings in that area. You guys know that I don't fit in. It's not like I try to be "cool" by not being "cool"- I just...I seem to be on a different frequency that other people. I told my dad once and then later he used it as a joke.
Do I have any New Year's resolutions? Well, losing weight is always a good one. Being a better daughter/whatever is another. Shutting up in English is yet another. Being more thankful for the good friends I have is another/ things in general. I dunno. I'm not good at these things.
(isn't all this teenage emotion great? You could write a book about it! :P)
My beach. Seriously. It's about five minutes from my house.
Well, this blog is about to take a negative turn (or a really tired one) , so happy New year everyone. I think I'm still on the wrong time. :lol:
Also, today is my birthday, if you didn't know already. Whoa. I'm old.