Well, I just saw "Up" today, and I must say, it was such a delightful movie. I cried during the beginning and I would be a liar if I said I didn't get misty-eyed during some of the other parts as well, especially during the end. It's not a sad movie; on the contrary, it's really beautiful. Anyway, everything is well done. Pixar is amazing, as always.
I can't get enough of the score.The art was charming but...I just loved the music. In some odd way, it reminds me of Howl's Moving Castle.
On the title of this blog, yeah, it relates to the TV show of the same name.I got into it and it's sort of become a form of bonding (or rather, bending, ahahhaha, oh man, my brain is shot) between my brother and I. The fanbase is a little scary, as are the pairings (ZukoxAzula? ZukoXToph? UrsulaXAzula? Fire LordXAang? Help.), but I don't come into contact with the fanbase much and the pairings, well...they continue to creep me out. Can't do anything about those. :|
The show itself is quite good, for something intended for a demographic of 6-11. Some of the characters get annoying (yes, I'm looking at you Mr. Avatar), but there are some really standouts, especially amongst the antagonists. :lol: I know, of course, *I* would like the bad guys. But seriously, the Uncle and his nephew, Zuko...their bond is really sweet. And, of course, someone probably has some naughty fic about it. :roll: Complaining about fangirls, slash fics (most are unrealistic), and stuff like that is for another day. :x
Well, that's enough talk of that from me. I'm sure that in the weeks, months, and years to come, you'll hear more about the show. I promise. Well, no, because I'll forget, but still.
So, on the topic of anime (well, Avatar isn't an anime but...it's pretty close.), whatever happened to Fullmetal Alchemist? I'm sure that some of you remember how much I talked about it and now I barely mention it at all. Don't get me wrong, I still love the show but...everyone at my school got into it. You'd think that would be a good thing, having people to talk to about it but no. It's the reverse, actually. I'm kinda turned off of the show now. Oh well.
Let's talk about life. It's been dull lately but that's cool with me. I go to the beach, or polluted bay rather, and watch the water a lot of days. It's nice. Peaceful. The antithesis of what next year is going to be like. I got started on one of my assignments today and then got scared. Mostly I just need to sit down and apply myself. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Time for a list of bullets!
-My brain is rotting. I should read more.
-There is a zombie upstairs.
-It gets really spooky at night. Once, I went for a walk with my friend, on Halloween, and it was pretty bad. We were on this path to the beach and oh man. Sometimes I wish I lived near to a town. Sometimes.
-I got a tablet. Yay for digital art.
It's okay, I know it's bad. :P I love how the first thing I draw is fan-art. OTL And why yes, that is my handwriting. And coloring. And drawing. Digitally.
It's not digital, but whatever. I did this in art cIass I can't say I like it but some of the glaze turned out okay.
-For those who don't know, I got a new cat. More on that later.
-This blog is way too long. I applaud anyone who got this far.
I'm gonna give up writing this. I'm starting to fall asleep.
NEXT TIME: Majora's Mask and the Mystery of the Mysterious Man.