??? Ha, today I once again drove my brother insane with talking about Final Fantasy. I was looking online at the Yahoo Auctions for Japan and all I could come up with (I was looking for CDs) were cosplay costumes. My brother is reading over my shoulder and then he says to me, "Who is Se-phee-roth?". ...I started laughing and he went, "What, what is it?" Being the incredibly helpful person that I am, I just rolled my eyes. It's immature and ridiculous but it works. He went off muttering about Shining Force. Dang, I hate that game. I could devote my entire blog to ranting about it. I'll let you know that usually I love most games (except racing and simulation, blech. :P ). But this game...is evil. The music is bad, the plot is bad and I die with laughter when someone tries to be serious and/or dies. It's worse than American Idol. For me, that's pretty bad.
ANYWAY, on the bright side, I went outside for a run today with my insane dog. Yup, good times. I really love getting my arm yanked out of my socket.