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Wow, this is "something else" (with a dash of Star Ocean! :D )

I never would have thought that this whole "15 things" blog would have caught on. :O Who would have known? To all of you who wrote (or are in the works of) one of those blogs, I'm going to say thank you.

Yeah, well on to better things and more stuff. Today I was thinking, "Why haven't I played Final Fantasy in a while? I quote and mock the characters (at least some of them) daily." It's because of all this stupid stuff called....(wait for it)working together in groups. Oh yes. Your dear, cute, Twilightferrari has been freakin' drafted into working with a group. -_- I suppose part of this "is" my fault. After all I should have KNOWN that asking a certain person would trigger getting one of my mortal enemies in the group. Then it also trigged having another person join the group because, "she didn't want to work with the 'Queen Bee.' " -_- Yes, this is mostly babble but it annoys me. I don't do group projects because the so-called "group" ends up doing everything at the last minute. And guess who ends up getting all the grunt work? The ugly. gamer girls me and my friend. Sigh. Sometimes, I just want to tear out all my hair.

Man, I can't stop all of this "blah, blah, blah, my life sucks" stuff. It does feel better to just type it all out though. And I KNOW how much all of you love reading about this...

So just one more thing. I'm trying to decide what to do. A while back, I lost my copy of Star Ocean: Til the End of Time and now I can't find. Don't think I ever will. you think I should re-buy the game or get one of the new ones for the PSP?
