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Yaaaawwnnn, so...tired...

Well, today was suprisingly not painful. I had some issues with a couple people, but hey, who doesn't? Today was the dress rehearsal of my play. o_0 Yes, it's the night before the opening night when the play "officially" opens. The guy who condescends to me (hereafter known as "Zack.") did the stupidest thing. He said something about curing the butterflies in everyone's stomachs. I didn't have any 'til he brought it up. Oh well, he is SORT of funny. Mind you, only sort of. The stage manager (you know the dude in charge of props, etc) is the funniest guy ever. And a great person to work with. For the most part. Today he forgot a chair and I had to convince the girl who was supposed to be out there to go out. I told her that, "the guy out there will give up his chair for you." Ha. As if. After all this women's right junk happened (not that I'm against that; I'm all for it! Well, the smart stuff anyway. Some of it is a little...weird.) , guys stopped being so darn polite. I like it when guys open doors for me. Really, it should go both ways... Anyway, yeah tonight was a long night.

Quick question: What do you guys think of my new blog header? Yes or no? (your answer should be, "Off course, I like it!)
