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Yeah! My musical blog! Complete with links!

After seeing a lot of other people do lists of their favorite video game music *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough*, I decided to do a list of the video game songs that I'm listening to right now (obviously not all at the same time). And yeah, I'm warning you ahead of time: a lot of it will PROBABLY be J-Pop. Don't ask why!

1.To Zanarkand


3.Midna's Theme

4.The Colosuss Song! *musical note*

5.Itsumo Nando...the fan version

6.Bouken Suisei

7.It's a Mystery Song!

8.Forest Temple


10.Reach Out to the Truth!

Of course, after giving you this list , I have to give my own...commentary on all this. If you're wondering why this is all broken up , uh, my computer is giving me a REALLY hard time tonight. :( *sigh* I'm suprised the thing hasn't deleted all of my important documents yet. Anyway, without further ado, I present to you...the commentary.

*musical note*

1. Ah yes, one of my favorite pieces of all time: Zanarkand. ^_^ I fell in love with this piece the moment I heard it in the opening credits. This is the orchestrated version which I feel brings the piece to a whole new level of enjoyment.

2. I remember this song blasting through the speakers of my PSP. It was at the end of Crisis Core, when...the end happened. I'm too lazy to insert spoilers but anyone who's played FFVII should understand this. It's one of the few FF songs that's not all sappy and happy (and I mean the ones with lyrics). And that's why I like it...

3. ...yeah. I'm not really sure why this song is on my playlist. *sigh* It's such a mystery.

4. This song scares the crap out of me! I hear it all the time, since I'm in the middle of SotC. And it doesn't help that I usually play late at night either...*shivers* But it's really scary. Every time I hear it, I know I'm screwed. :cry:

5. Don't any of you DARE correct me and tell me this isn't a video game song! I don't care, okay?!?!:x

6. Yeah, this is going to be my ultimate summer song! ^_^ And it's another *technicallynotavideogamesong* But it's from an anime based on a video so there!

7. This is here because a *certain* someone got it stuck in my head! And now I can't stop listening to it! It's strange and interesting...all at once. And it has its own unique little flair.

8. A song from one of the funniest little games ever: OoT! This haunting melody is engrained in my head...and my playlist...

9.Waaahhh! Go Tales of the Abyss! That's my explanation. :lol:

10. 8) Do I really need to explain this one? It's the P4 battle theme. And you all know how much I love it. ^_^

So there you have it! My broken into two pieces musical list! Hope you enjoyed it. ;)
