Heh. Just a second ago, my laptop just had a "Would you like to update your Virus Protection?" come across the screen. It seems that I now have 22 days left until it expires. When it expires, I might too. :lol: You can never be too sure about those things...
So today I've decided to spend a blog on one of my favoritest things in the entire universe (beside chocolate, cats, and of course, crazy hair): Zelda. My username is steeped in Zelda-ish stuff (but not my avatar). I have all of the games (pretty much). And I spend a lot of my time converting my friend into a Zelda fan too. All it took was my Gameboy SP and a couple games...and BAM! She was hooked. Now all the time, I'll be typing up an email and the IM will go off. "How do you defeat the boss in Minish Cap? What's a Goron? Why does Ganondorf matter?" So yeah, you could say it's a little obsession of mine.
My first Zelda game was one of the GBC ones. Last year, I finally got my hands on the Ocarina of Time. Can you spell "loved it"? All of the time, my brother and I would talk about everything, down to what the littlest NPC would say. My favorite line was, "What the heck? How did you get in here?" I died of laughter and had to be revived with a Phoenix Down that day. But I was hooked. I think what I like most about the games is just that anyone can enjoy them. Even an onlooker. I can't say enough about how much I love them...it would take too long to write. Expect more later.