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Your "weekly" update!

I've decided to do something bold. Something daring. Something that will make all of my friends on Gamespot hate me: I will reminisce about my past. About the horrors of being fat (yes I was very overweight at a point in my life. L ) , falling in love with my best friend , and going through death at the age of ten. All of these will be covered (between my weekly rambles about nonsense), over the next few months, scattered here and there when I remember. I'm warning you now, this may include: stupid references to things only I will understand, lots of angst , and some minor suggestive themes and/or cursing. Just like a video game label by the ESRB. *grins*

So, onto the good stuff. This week, I tried to talk my friend out of having me mail her boyfriend a picture of Cloud and Aerith and labeling it with her name and the name of her boyfriend's best friend. Not important but still. I need to just get it out into the open.

And on my gaming front, I spent 2 WHOLE HOURS on FFXII. Yeah! That's what Saturdays are for! I love that game so much. As much I as thought I'd love FFVIII (which is...not my say the least...but it's still awesome. Especially Rinoa and Zell! My two favorite characters of course. I despise Quistis. >.< ) and its romance. Yeah...not so much. My favorite bits are those with Laguna in them. He's such a character. Now I can tell I'm starting to get tired. Prepare for the worst as I am your crazy ultimate female gamer:
